Computer and Technology Evolution Timeline

  • 1450


    Johannes Gutenberg created the first printer or printing press.
  • First Computer

    First Computer
    Charles Babbage designs a calculating machine which is considered to be the first computer.
  • Telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell created the first telephone, transmitting voices and sounds over wires.
  • Headphones

    The world's first pair of headphones was created by Nathaniel Baldwin.
  • Radio

    The radio becomes a mass communication medium.
  • Television

    Philo Taylor Farnsworth created the world's first television set, and it was demonstrated in San Francisco on September 7, 1927.
  • Wireless TV Remote

    Wireless TV Remote
    Zenith Radio Corporation created the first wireless T.V remote. It was known as the "Flash-Matic".
  • Communications Satellite Launch

    Communications Satellite Launch
    The first communications satellite was launched, which allowed the world to view the world-wide live broadcast of the 1964 Olympics.
  • Microprocessor Unit

    Microprocessor Unit
    The first microprocessor unit was invented by Intel.
  • E-Mail Message

    E-Mail Message
    The first e-mail messages are sent.
  • Mobile Phone

    Mobile Phone
    The world's first phone is invented by Marty Cooper, also known as "the Father of Cellphones".
  • Microsoft

    Paul Allen and Bill Gates found Microsoft, which soon dominates the software industry.
  • Personal Computer

    Personal Computer
    The both small and powerful personal computer is created for the public.
  • GPS

    The GPS, or Global Positioning System, was released for the public, but had been started earlier at the U.S Department of Defense.
  • Internet

    Robert Khan and Vincent Cerf invent the Internet, which is funded by the US Defense Department.
  • Cellphones

    The first cellphones are now available for sale.
  • Google

    The Google company is formed, which soon dominates the web.
  • USB Stick

    USB Stick
    The first USB stick is created by Singapore Company Trek Technology, known as the "Thumb Drive."
  • YouTube

    YouTube is created, and soon dominates the video field.
  • Microsoft Teams

    Microsoft Teams
    Microsoft Teams is created. The app is used for chatting, video conferencing, and for educational purposes.