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Computer and Tech in the 2000s

By KahoW
  • PlayStation 2

    PlayStation 2
    PS2 was one of the highest-selling gaming consoles at the time. This device not only allowed people to enjoy games with others, but it also included a DVD player which made it both useful and convenient for those who owned a PS2.
  • iPod

    Invented by none other than Steve Jobs and Tony Fadell. The iPod is said to be the device that led to the creation of the iPhone and other hand-held Apple devices. It also featured the iTunes store later on as well as the App Store. The iPod was compact with great storage, and made it easy for people to listen to music outdoors.
  • Nintendo Wii

    Nintendo Wii
    Nintendo Wii was one of the first devices to introduce games that react to motion, and became a great hit. It expanded the gaming audience from mostly men to women, children, and older adults. It led to the creation of the Wii U, then the Nintendo Switch.
  • iPhone

    6 years after the release of the iPod, the iPhone was invented by Steve Jobs and many others from Apple. It was a revolutionary phone that introduced the idea of smartphones to the world for the first time, which led to the normalization of smartphones across the world. Now, over 85% of Americans own and use a smartphone of some kind.
  • Netflix Streaming

    Netflix Streaming
    According to research, Netflix existed since 1997 but it became more available to consumers after its streaming service started in 2010. It was originally started by Marc Randolph and Reed Hastings as a video rental service. Now, there are over 74 million subscribers in both America and Canada combined.