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My Media Timeline

  • 10


    I was exposed in camera by the year 2010.Im 7 years old that.Camera is an optical instrument for recording or capturing images,which may be a stored locally,transmitted to other location.The revolution of cameras was initiated by the widely-know Kodak.The introduction of camera to the world simulates the colorfull forms of madia and was then improved later on. My mom brought our very digital camera when i was 7 for us to capture every moment we have and to keep the memories.
  • 15


    At the age of 10 i was exposed a television (tv) is an electronic device set for the transmission of programming in the form of still or moving images. The creation of television comes the uprising of the showbiz industry. Me and my family uses television is one of our source of information and entertainment. We usually watch movies in the television and sometimes uses it as our karaoke
  • 15


    I was exposed in youtube by the year 2015. Im 10 yrs old.That first video streaming site in the internet.Used for the watching videos which can be source of information.It is also an alternative for the television but it requires the used of internet.Youtube is a free video-hosting website the allows members to store and serve video content.Svince my dad already upgraded my allowance i was able to buy load to register it and watch videos on YouTube and then download videos and music.
  • 15


    I started listening to music in the radio at the age of 10 i was exposed radio an instrument with the presence of radio waves to carry information transmitted through space to carry impulses.It is first used as source of entertainment,mostly seen in barrios.Radio system also need a antenna to convert electric currents into radio waves,and radio waves into a electric current.An attenna can be used for both transmitting and recieving. A radio allows broadcast provide-real time information
  • 17


    Instagram is a photo and video sharing social media application that was launched in 2010 by Kevin Systrom. I was first exposed Instagram at the age 12 on 2017.Instagram allow user to edit and upload photos and short videos through a mobile app.
  • Cellphone

    At the age of 7 I was exposed on cellphone that was first created by W. Rae Young that began on December 11, 1947 describing the idea of Rae on the hexagonal cell concept for a cellular mobile telephone system.I can still recall that when I am using cellphone I felt excitement beacuse I played games,watched cartoon movies and videos and I was also amazed that time beacuse I really have no idea that things like that exist and at my age nowadays cellphone is very useful in a certain situation.