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    The Abacus was invented in Asia but was used in ancient Babylon, China, and throughout Europe until the late middle ages.
  • First calculator

    First calculator
    Later in the 17th century, Gootfried von Libniz invented a device that was able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide.
  • First input-output device

    Charles Baddage designed two machines, one device would perform complex op;erations such as squaring.
  • US Census Needed Help With Census Data

    US Census Needed Help With Census Data
    Herman Hollerith intvented a calculating machine that ran on electricity and used punced cards to store data. Hollerith's machine was immnesely successful, it is known as the IBM

    The ENIAC was built at the University of Pennsylvania. It contained 18,000 vacuum and weighted some 30 tons.
  • Modern-Computers

    The computers we know today use the design rules given by John von Neumann in the late 1940's
  • First Computer Chip

    First Computer Chip
    The invention of transistors resulted in smaller, faster, more reliable, and more enger-efficient computers. Chips are smaller and cheaper than transistors and can contain thousands of circuits on a single chip.
  • First Computer-Like Machine

    First Computer-Like Machine
    The first computer-like machine was the mark 1. It was built, in 1944, joinly by IBM and Harcard University under the leader of Howard Aiken. Punched cards were used to feed data into the machine. The Mark 1 was 52 foot, weighed 50 tons, and 750,00 parts
  • Modern Day Computers

    Modern Day Computers
    Modern-day computers are powerful, reliable, and easy to use. They can accept spoken-word instructions and imitate human reasoning through artificial intelligience.