Molasses Act (U.S)
Georgia Colony was Founded
James Oglethorpe established the Georgia Colony on February 12, 1733. The colony was named after King George II who granted James Oglethorpe permission to create this colony. There was a Board of Trustees that were designed to govern this colony. It was also the last of the thirteen colonies. This event was the beginning of Georgia and the history that follows. -
Battle of Bloody Marsh
The Battle of Bloody Marsh was a battle between the British and Spanish on St. Simons Island. One reason the Georgia Colony was established was to keep the Spanish from taking over Charleston, SC rice farms. Britain won the battle, therefore, the Georgia Colony remained British. It was also the last time the Spanish tried to invade Georgia. This event is essential because Britain won and set the tone for the rest of Georgia's history. -
Faneuil Hall Hosts Its 1st Town Meeting (U.S.)
Slavery is Legal
Slavery became legal on this day. The Trustees of the Georgia Colony made slavery against the law as well as hard liquor. Some people were breaking the law. Therefore, the Trustees got rid of Oglethorpe for William Stephens. Stephens wanted Georgia to have slaves. This event is essential because it opened the door to slavery within this state. -
Trustees Surrender Georgia to the British Government
Georgia became a royal colony in 1752. Georgia was once governed by a Board of Trustees that weren't unable to establish the self-government. Therefore, they gave up before the twenty-one-year charter had expired. The charter was given to the British government. This event is essential because it gave the full British control over Georgia. -
Britain and the British colonies switch from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar (U.S)
French and Indian War (U.S)
Sugar Act
The Sugar Act was passed by the British Legislation to increase taxes from colonies. The Sugar Act was the first serious conflict between colonies and Great Britain. This event is essential because it aided in Georgia wanting its independence from Great Britain. -
Establishment of the Stamp Act (U.S)
Revolutionaryn War Begins ( U.S)
Declaration of Independence (U.S)
Continental Congress approves the first official flag of the United States (U.S)
Battle of Kettle Creek
The Battle of Kettle Creek was a battle between the patriots and the loyalists during the American Revolutionary War. The patriots wanted to be free from Great Britain while the Loyalists were loyal to Great Britain. Four hundred patriots were fighting against almost eight hundred loyalists in a surprise attack. The Patriots won, which is why this event is essential. This event secured the support of Georgians who were undecided on whether to be a Loyalist or a Patriot. -
Siege of Savannah
The Siege of Savannah was the second deadliest battle of the Revolutionary War. The British military, with the help of Georgia's Loyalists they wanted to take over the rebellious cities and gain control over their ports. Savannah Port was crucial for the state's economy. The American and French troops unsuccessfully tried to free Savannah from the British. This event is essential because it kept Georgia under British rule. -
First Fugitive Slave Act Passed (U.S)
Eli Whitney invented the Cotton Gin
While living in Georgia, Eli Whitney discovered the potential cash crop cotton. He knew it could have been a cash crop if the process wasn't so extensive. So, he created the cotton gin which cleaned the seeds out of the cotton faster and efficiently than done by hand. This event is essential because cotton being a cash crop, farmers need more hands. Farmers didn't want to pay for labor, and slavery became a solution. -
The Treaty of Limits with Mexico goes into effect (U.S)
Gold discovered in Georgia
The Georgia Gold Rush was documented as found by the Georgia Journal, which is now the Milledgeville newspaper. Gold was found in what is now known as Lumpkin County. Gold was discovered in North Georgia and most of the land was own by the Cherokee Indians. People came from all over looking for gold. This event is essential because it led to the Trail of Tears. -
Trail of Tears begin in Georgia
The discovery of gold in North Georgia was the beginning of settlers wanting the Native American's land. The Trail of Tears forced Native Americans to relocate to Oklahoma. A considerable portion of the Native American population died during this journey. With them gone, they were able to sell their land and make profits. This event is important because a relationship with the Native Americans that was imperative at one time was ended with the Trail of Tears to take everything they had. -
Jackson, Mississippi, the first state law allowing women to own property is passed (U.S)
California Gold Rush began (U.S)
William and Ellen Craft escaped Slavery
Ellen was a biracial slave who has a biracial mother, and her father was her mother's owner. Ellen had a very fair complexion that she disguises herself as a slaveholder, and William, her husband, as a slave. They traveled one thousand miles to freedom from Georgia to Massachusetts. This event is important because it showed the country the lengths that people were willing to go to have their liberty which aided in the abolishment of slavery. -
Abraham Lincoln elected President (U.S)
Georgia secedes from the Union
Georgia seceded from the Union when Abraham Lincoln won the presidential election. Lincoln was viewed as an "antislavery candidate" when slavery was part of Georgia's economy. The South became the Confederate States of America. This event is essential because it led to the Civil War. The war over abolishing slavery and Western expansion. -
The Civil War begins (U.S)
Homestead Act (U.S)
Battle of Chickamauga
The Battle of Chickamauga was the first major Civil War battle in Georgia. This battle was also the second deadliest battle in the war. The Confederate won and sent the Union army back to Chattanooga. This event is essential because it was the first major battle of the Civil War. -
Sherman March to Sea
Union General William T. Sherman led around 60,000 soldiers from Atlanta to Savannah. Sherman's March to Sea was a psychological warfare tactic. They wanted to convince the Georgians to abandon the Confederate cause because the Union is more powerful. The soldiers stole food, livestock, and burned down houses of those who wouldn't convert or tried to fight back. This event is essential because it rid the state of Antebellum homes and things that could have been historical today. -
Georgia Reconstruction
After the Civil War, Georgia had to go under Reconstruction. After the Civil War, there were a lot of deaths and destruction. Most importantly, slavery was abolished, and now there were hundreds of thousands of Free Black people. The state lack guidance. This event is essential because it was the ending of slavery and the beginning of a New Georgia. -
Lincoln is assassinated (U.S)
Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution is ratified (U.S)
Ku Klux Klan Emerges and Spreads throughout Georiga
The Ku Klux Klan is a white supremacist hate group. Their goals were to defeat the Republican Party and maintain absolute white supremacy. After the Civil War slavery was abolished, and black people were slowly getting their natural rights. The KKK spread throughout the South spewing out hate. This event is essential because it plays a part during the Civil Rights Movement. -
Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution is ratified (U.S)
Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution is ratified (U.S)
Georgia readmitted to the Union
Georgia was the last state of being readmitted to the Union. After the Civil War, Georgia was full of death and destruction. The state had to go through multiple reconstructions before being accepted back into the Union. This event is essential because Georgia was once apart of the Confederate States of American until they join the Union. -
Rutherford B. Hayes is inaugurated as the 19th president (U.S)
Atlanta becomes the Capital
Atlanta became the state capital of Georgia in 1877. Atlanta was chosen because it was the rail center of Georgia. The railroad linked Atlanta to Augusta, and in 1878 It was linked to Macon. Atlanta's population was rapidly growing as well. This event is essential because it's the state capital. -
Atlanta Race Riot
The Atlanta Race Riot lasted two days. The cause of the riot was that white people were hearing unreported incidents of black people targeting white women. During the uprising, white mobs killed dozens of black people, wounded others, and had a considerable amount of property damage.This event is essential because it showed the relationship between black and white people after slavery abolishment and before the Civil Rights movement happened. -
Bureau of Investigation, forerunner of the FBI, is established (U.S)
The Boll Weevil
The Boll Weevil was an insect introduced to Georgia in 1921. It would soon be referred to as an economic pest — the insect reduced cotton acreage from 5.2 million to 2.6 million. The insects affected the whole state economically, and the soil was depleted and prone to erosion. This pest was the driving force behind the Great Migration of poor tenant farmers who moved to the North. -
Warren G. Harding signs resolution declaring peace with Austria and Germany (U.S)
Georgia Great Depression
The Great Depression occurred when the stock market crashed. It hit Georgia pretty hard. Georgia's economy was going down due to the Boll Weevil effect on the cash crop cotton. United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt's created the New Deal to aid in assistance to get out of the Great Depression. This event is essential because it was an economic disaster that affected Georgia for years to come. -
Martin Luther King Jr. was Born
MLK was born in Atlanta, Georgia. He was a Baptist Minister and Civil Rights, leader. Dr. King began his involvement in the Civil Rights movement through bus boycotts, sit-ins, and boycotting throughout the city to show the injustice of racists policies. MLK efforts help to bring about the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. This event is essential because, with the birth of this Civil Rights Activists, there's no telling how the world would be today. -
Herbert Hoover is inaugurated as the 31st president (U.S)
Stock market crash precipitates the Great Depression (U.S)
Eugene Talmadge becomes Governor
Eugene Talmadge was elected as Governor in November 1932. He appealed to the actual values of rural America, such as limited government, low taxes, frugality, and political economy. Talmadge is known for his opposition against President Roosevelt's New Deal. Talmadge served multiple terms as well as vetoed programs that would benefit Georgia. After Talmadge's terms were up, E.D. Rivers was the next Governor, Governor, and he was pro-New Deal. -
New Deal recovery measures are enacted by Congress (U.S)
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is established (U.S)
Atlanta Negro Voters League is Founded
The Atlanta Negro Voters League was a bipartisan political organization started by black leaders. They wanted to form a united front to maximize the strength of the black vote. This organization helped black people register to vote and provided transportation to the polls. This accident is essential because black people now had a voice in politics. -
Astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, Jr., become the first men to land on the Moon (U.S)
The 19th Amendment Ratified
Women in the South didn't publicly show that they wanted equal rights with men until well after the Civil War. Georgia women could not vote until 1922. The amendment was not officially ratified and approved by the state legislature until 1970. This event is essential because it shows how long women had to fight for their rights.