Hauss, C
Duh, or the Role of IT in Teaching Comparative Politics -
Persson, T., Roland, G., & Tabellini, G
Comparative Politics and Public Finance. -
Tsai, L.
Bringing in China: Insights for Building Comparative Political Theory. -
Werlin, H
Linking Public Administration to Comparative Politics. -
Bunce, V.
The Postsocialist Experience and Comparative Politics. -
McEachern, P.
Comparative authoritarian institutionalism, regime evolution, and stability in North Korea. -
Munck, G.
Game Theory and Comparative Politics: New Perspectives and Old Concerns. -
Shellman, S.
Active Learning in Comparative Politics: A Mock German Election and Coalition-Formation Simulation -
Landman, T
Comparative Politics and Human Rights. Human Rights
Quarterly, -
Haynes, J
Tracing Connections between Comparative Politics and Globalisation. Third World Quarterly -
Kurzer, P
Studying Democracy and Teaching Classics: What Is Happening in the Field of Comparative Politics? Perspectives on Politics, -
Occhipinti, J
Active and Accountable: Teaching Comparative Politics Using Cooperative Team Learning -
Russett, B
Reintegrating the Subdisciplines of International and Comparative Politics -
Athwal, A.
Harold Innis and Comparative Politics: A Critical Assessment. -
Belanger, M.
From Political Science Back to Politics: Learning to Teach Intro to Comparative Politics -
Bellin, E
The Robustness of Authoritarianism in the Middle East: Exceptionalism in Comparative Perspective. Comparative Politics -
Graeme B. Robertson
Leading Labor: Unions, Politics, and Protest in New Democracies. -
Hacker, J.
Dismantling the Health Care State? Political Institutions, Public Policies and the Comparative Politics of Health Reform -
Helmke, G., & Levitsky, S.
Informal Institutions and Comparative Politics: A Research Agenda -
Randall, V.
Using and Abusing the Concept of the Third World: Geopolitics and the Comparative Political Study of Development and Underdevelopment. Third World Quarterly, -
Banchoff, T. (2005)
Path Dependence and Value-Driven Issues: The Comparative Politics of Stem Cell Research -
Beckwith, K
The Comparative Politics of Women's Movements. -
Blyth, M
Great Punctuations: Prediction, Randomness, and the Evolution of Comparative Political Science -
Bowman, K., & Jennings, A
Pura Vida: Using Study Abroad to Engage Undergraduate Students in Comparative Politics Research -
Chabal, P.
Area Studies and Comparative Politics: Africa in Context. Africa Spectrum -
Coletta, D
Unipolarity, Globalization, and the War on Terror: Why Security Studies Should Refocus on Comparative Defense -
Hamann, K.
What Can Students Learn from the Spanish Case in Comparative Politics Courses? -
Hanson, S., & Kopstein, J.
Regime Type and Diffusion in Comparative Politics Methodology -
Loewenberg, G
The Influence of European Émigré Scholars on Comparative Politics, -
Munck, G., & Snyder, R
Who Publishes in Comparative Politics? Studying the World from the United States