On April 12th, 1920, in Medelllín, a antioqueños group dreamers, founded the Compañía Nacional de Chocolates, initially called Compañia de Chocolates Cruz Roja, from the integration of small local producers. Since the next years we achieve consolidate us, improving the production process and renewing the factories located in Cali, Bogotá and Medellin, and installing a new plant in Bucaramanga. Since then we established the solid bases in our development, good brands, technological advanced, cu -
1930 – 1935
We get into new products and we generate a strong marketing campaigns and distribution to attend at the different publics. We position our brands as, Corona, Diana and Tesalia. Additional, we start with the manufacture of roasted coffee in Cali. -
Pablo Emilio Echeverri
1940 – 1950
Pablo Emilio Echeverri entranced to the compay, as the first Colombian technique to provide his services in this company. He realized an important job to renew the industrial equipment and maintain the philosophy of development new products according to the different Colombian likes. -
Period: to
1960 – 1970
In the 60 years we start an active program to promote the cocoa´s cultivation and diversification of its production, was this as we offer to the Colombian people our star product, chocolatina Jet, it was the first chocolate candy manufactured in the country and Chocolisto, the first chocolate beverage powdered to combined with milk. Brands to actually are actives, and they are accompanied to many generations. After we include in our list of brands, nuts, cereals and others. -
Period: to
1960 – 1970
En la década de los años 60, comenzamos un activo programa de fomento al cultivo del cacao y de diversificación de su producción. Fue así como ofrecimos a los colombianos Jet, la primera golosina de chocolate fabricada en el país, y Chocolisto, la primera bebida de chocolate en polvo para la leche, marcas que hoy han acompañado a muchas generaciones desde la infancia hasta la vida adulta. Posteriormente, se incluyó en el portafolio nueces, cereales y productos de repostería doméstica -
1960 – 1970
The company created an album to fphotographs of animals for children, with the biggest level to acceptance. -
Period: to
Compañía Nacional de Chocolates acquired a new business asociated Compañía de Galletas Noel to established a new company, Novaventa, it was dedicated to implement new chanels oriented to the final consumer, at the same time was created the holding company Inversiones Nacional de Chocolates, its object was the administration to the investments. -
Period: to
In March 2009, the group Nacional de Chocolates concluded the formalities to acquire Nutresa SA, the company that was integrated at the business. In this form today we have own production platforms In Mexico, Costa Rica, Peru and Colombia, and the distribution network Cordialsa, that works in Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Puerto Rico y Estados Unidos.
Actually we produce and markets 27 brands in the chocolate business. -
<a href='' >http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MJY6OosGNc</a>2012
en su interior, se ha encargad
atina Jet, it´s an emblematic product of the company, it was 50 yeas old. It´s a delicious mixture to cocoa, milk, sugar and essences to give them an characteristic flavor with much smoothness. It was the first chocolate in the country, this it has turned in a ikon of many generations enjoying the flavor and the knowing of our company in this brand. -
Nuestro equipo humano se caracteriza por su talento y motivación; está integrado por 2.766 personas comprometidas en brindar, cada día, lo mejor de sus capacidades para continuar a la vanguardia y ofrecer a nuestros consumidores alimentos que satisfagan sus aspiraciones de bienestar, nutrición, diversión y placer.