Comp 1 Timeline

By noahie1
  • Zurich Conference Consensus Statement

    Zurich Conference Consensus Statement
    At this conference, various doctors gather together once every few years to discuss new reseach studies and results on brain injuries. Specifically, concussions. Along with setting a new defintion for concussions, they lidt new found symptoms, new found health issues relating to concussions, and new ways to treat concusions. Ultimately, the conference onfluences many sports to set new rules/regulations fpr concussions.
  • NCAA Concussion Guidelines

    NCAA Concussion Guidelines
    The NCAA, ehich is the organixation responsible for collegiate sports, has done studies on concussions and has also set rules/regulations similar to those set in the NFL.
  • Concussion in Sports: Minimizing the Risk for Complications

    Concussion in Sports: Minimizing the Risk for Complications
    Dr. Kushner begins by definfing what a concussion is and stating that it is a common injury in many contact sports including football and hockey. He than goes on to describing certain symptoms of an injury such as dizziness, confusion, impaired vision, slurred speech, or sometimes complete unconsciouness.
  • NFL outlines for players steps taken to address concussions

    NFL outlines for players steps taken to address concussions
    The NFL has outlines certain steps it has taken to address the serious issue of concussions. They held a medical conference where the discussed in greater detail the plans and procedures they would use in the upcoming season. They sent out pamphlets to players and their families describing the syptoms of concussions so they can know what to look for. They also made use of the medical staff on the sidelines and trained them in how to treat a concussed player.
  • Concussions Exact Toll on Football Players Long After They Retire

    Concussions Exact Toll on Football Players Long After They Retire
    Long after players have retired whether from the NFL or collegiate football, many who suffered concussions during their career are still feeling the effects. While some cases are more serious than others, such as Chuck Hughes (died on the field from a hit) many others have died from causes linked to their brain injuries. Over time the players develop CTE ( a brian disease) from repeated concussions without proper treatment.
  • Why the NFL's Concussion Policy is Failing

    Why the NFL's Concussion Policy is Failing
    In recent years the NFL has set new rules for concussions. The rules determine how a player is medically examined once a concussion is suspected, how long the player must wait before returning to the game, and how he will be treated for the concussion. However according to the numbers, the new rules have had no effect on reducing the number of concussions. For reasons unkown, there hasn't been significant improvement in dealing with concussions.
  • !st change over time

    The NFL has made new rules and improvements in effort to control the concussion occurences. They began using better equipment such as football pads, better helmets as well. They also enforced stricter regulations and testing for brain injuries.
  • 2nd Change over Time

    Dr.Kushner and other doctors/medical profesionals still agree on the main symptoms of concussions. Although the exact testing to find the symptoms may have changed a little becasue of advances in technology, the symptoms have not changed.
  • 3rd Change over time

    The NCAA has also canged and made improvements to their concussion rules and regulations. The changes are similar to those of the NFL. Changes include stricter testing, longer waiting time to return to play, and better equipment.
  • 4th Change over time

    Doctors still use the methods for treatment and prevention that were set by the Zurich Convention. The methods are also widely used by many sports institutions such as high school and colleges. The NCAA has even adopted some the practices that were set by the conference.
  • 5th Change over time

    The NFL's recent policies have been under the microscope lately. The new policies have not proved to reduce the concusions or other injuries concerning the brain. the NFL will have to make new rules and changes in order to continue with "successful safety".
  • Period: to

    Changes over Time