Members of Our Group
Katie Lenox
Hannah Spray
Hazel Herman
Clare Ferguson
Sarah Ellis
Kyile Turner
Rina Kratz
Cat Snyders -
Sun Yixian Rises to Power
After years of exile for supporting and beginning numerous rebellions, Yixian returned to China and was elected president of the new republican government. Sun Yixian was the leader of the Kuomintang, or the Nationalist Party of China. He later passed his presidency to Yuan Shikai. Sun Yixian was important to the Chinese people because he liberated the people of China by leading the people to overthrow the last Chinese Emporer. -
May Fourth Movement
The May fourth movement was a national protest in China in 1919, in which people demonstrated against the Treaty of Versailles and foreign interference. It was important because it showed the Chinese people's commitment to the goal of establishing a strong, modern nation. -
The Kuomintang was the Nationalist Party in China, and the name translates as the “National People’s Party of China”. This group, founded by Sun-Yat-Sen, ruled China from 1927 to 1948. The party pushed for modernization and nationalization. Also, the party performed a significant role in the first national assembly in China, where it served as the major party. Although the group lost against the communist party during the civil war, the Kuomintang gained control of Taiwan, and it remains as the -
Mao Zedong takes control of the Communist party
Moa Zedong took control of the communist party on September 1 1921 and ruled until he died. When Mao heard about the Russian revolution being successful he was interested in the communist soviet union. This led to him becoming on the inaugural members of the Chinese communist party. Mao followed some Lenin ideas and wanted to go with his idea of "appealing to the farming peasants" because "it [is] the key to establishing communism in Asia." Mao quickly rose in the ranks. In the summer of 1927 Ma -
Jiang Jieshi
Jiang Jieshi was son of a middle class merchant who feared the Communists' goal of creating a socialist economy. In 1928, he became the president of the Nationalist Republic of China. His party nearly wiped out the Chinese Communist Party. He reigned from 1928 to 1975. Jiang Jieshi is important because his actions were the reason a civil war broke out in China. -
Japanese invasion of Manchuria began
The Japanese invasion of Manchuria was when the Kwantung Army of the Empire of Japan invaded Manchuria after the Mukden incident.
It is important because it lead to the Japanese occupation of China during WWII. -
End to Invasion of Manchuria
On this date, the Invasion of Manchuria came to a close. -
The Long March
The Long March was a military retreat of 200,000 Chinese communists who fled 6,000 miles after realizing they faced defeat from Jiang’s army of 700,000. It resulted the death of 90% of the Communist soldiers who partook in the Long March, the rise of Mao Zedong as an unquestionable party leader, and the relocation of the communist revolutionary base to northwestern China. -
The Long March Ends
Sources Continued
http://alphahistory.com/chineserevolution/generalissimo-jiang-jieshi/ The Long March:
http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/today-history-long-march-red-army-china-1470413 Mao Zedong:
http://www.biography.com/people/mao-tse-tung-9398142#fallout-from-the-great-leap-forward -
World History Book
http://totallyhistory.com/kuomintang/ Pictures