

  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    Communist parties existed in Britain and Germany, it was in Russia that communism came to power during the Russian Revolution
  • Assassination of Tsar and his family

    Assassination of Tsar and his family
    The Bolsheviks assassinated the Tsar and his family and many others who opposed them.
  • The party organised the League of the Godless to harass and persecute churchgoers

     The party organised the League of the Godless to harass and persecute churchgoers
    By 1929, priests were not considered workers and, therefore, were taxed at exorbitant rates, were given no healthcare provisions or social security, and were ineligible to join collective farms.
  • Pope Pius XI published his encyclical Divini Redemptoris

    Pope Pius XI published his encyclical Divini Redemptoris
    In direct response to the increasing and severe persecution of Christians in Russia, published his encyclical Divini Redemptoris, which condemned communism and called for a worldwide day of prayer for the sufferings of the Christians in Russia.
  • Communist party systematically suppressed the Christian churches

    Communist party systematically suppressed the Christian churches
    Because of the terror by 1939, only 500 - 50 000 churches remained open due to there fear of the communist party. This shows there dominance.