
  • Late 19th Century

    Late 19th Century
    Karl Marx calls for a workers' revolution that would destroy capitalism and the private ownership of property.
  • Beginning of the 20th Century

    Beginning of the 20th Century
    Communism comes to power in Russia. Although parties already existed Britain and Germany, this was when the system gained significant power.
  • The Bolsheviks Assassinate the Tsar

    The Bolsheviks Assassinate the Tsar
    The Bolsheviks assassinate the Tsar, his family, and many others that opposed them. The communist party makes the move to confiscate all church land, and disperse priests, nuns, and brothers.
  • Communist International Begins

    Communist International Begins
    Soviet Leader Vladimir Lenin begins the communist international to coordinate communist revolutions across the world.
  • League of the Godless

    League of the Godless
    The communist party organised the League of the Godless to harass and persecute churchgoers.
  • Priests are not Considered Workers

    Priests are not Considered Workers
    Priests are no longer considered workers and are taxed at very high rates, given no healthcare or social security provisions, and are ineligible to join collective farms.
  • Religious Freedoms Limited Further

    Religious Freedoms Limited Further
    Joseph Stalin seizes control over the party and religious freedoms are limited further.
  • Law on Religious Associations is Proclaimed

    Law on Religious Associations is Proclaimed
    People are allowed to worship in the few churches that remain, but the congregations must be registered with the government.
  • Pope Pius XI Publishes his Encyclical

    Pope Pius XI Publishes his Encyclical
    In response to the increasing persecution of Christians in Russia, Pope Pius publishes his encyclical, 'Divina Redemptoris'. In this, he condemned communism and called for a worldwide day of prayer for the sufferings of Christians in Russia.
  • Churches are Supressed

    Churches are Supressed
    By 1939, only 500 of the 50,000 churches, remain open.