Period: to
communist manifesto
The Communist Manifesto was written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. They were contracted to write this document by a group of workes called the "Communist League". The Communist Manifesto stated what would later be called Marxism. -
Russian Revolution
A series of revolutions that was led by radical socialists. There goal was to overthrow the government and create the soviet union. They were succsful but allowed the provincial government to still exist. A period of dual power occured for a short time but eventually the last tsar of Russia Nicholas the II resigned his position. -
the first red scare
The first red scare took place shortly after the russian revolution of 1917. The people of america thought that a revolution may happen in america to so they were scared of anything radicall or different. Many people were accused and jailed or deported if they were radicall or left wing. -
Dies commitee
Commitee created to investigate people thought to be un american. Headed by Martin Dies first focussed on Nazi sympathizers then turned to focus on the communist threat. This was created due to the red scare. -
The second red scare
The second red scare was simmilar to the first accusations and arrests were made on so called "Communists". The only difference between the two was the reason they started. The second red scare was caused by Joseph Macarthy a U.S. senetor claiming he had a list of assumed communists. -
Smith Act
The Smith Act made it illegall to assist radical groups who encourage the U.S. being thrown over. This act caused many communists to be charged for violation of the smith act. Some of the communists were deported if they were in violation of the smith act. -
Conference where Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Josef Stalin meet in Yelta to discuss plans on post war activities. Roosavelt agreed on stalins and Churchills plan of spheres of influence. While Roosevelt got churchill and stalin to sign off on the principle of democracy. -
beginning of cold war
Political conflict between Soviet Union and United states. During this time U.S. and Soviet Union never engaged in actuall military engagement . They engaged in activities such as the arms race and the race to the moon. -
Truman Doctrine
Truman appeals to congress to recieve money to assist Greece in its civil war against communist insugents. This event caused america supporting countries being affected by communism to be called the Truman Doctrine. Trumans policy was to help insure any country directly vital to the U.S. would be supported against communism. -
czech coup
Late in February the communist party in czechoslavakia with soviet baking assume control of government. This event shcked the powers in the west they took action to ensure that this would not happen in France and Italy. This event also solidified the iron curtain. -
Soviets go atomic
The Soviet Union detonates its first atomic bomb. This shocks the U.s. because we are no longer the only country nuclear capable. This brings the Soviets on a neat playiing ground with the U.S. -
Communist North Korea invades south
Communist North Kaorea invades the non communist southern side. This is a huge turnign point in the history of communism because its the first time a non communist and a communist force go toe to toe. -
Domino Theory
President Dwight eisenhowers announces his theory to the public. HIs theory states that if one country falls to the communists then other countries may fall. This theory was mainly in reference to indochina. -
U2 shot down
The Soviet Union shoots down an american U2. Eisenhower denies it and refuses to apologize , the paris summit is cancled. This heightened the level of distrust between the soviet Union and the United states. -
Bay of Pigs
U.S. funded Cuban exiles invade Cuba to try and overthrough Castro. Invasion fails and a great deal of Cuban exiles are killed. This act ignited Cuban and American animocity towards eachother. -
Race to the moon
The soviet Union and United states engaged in a race to see who could be the first to land on the moon. The Soviet Union was the first to land an unmanned spacecraft on the moon, but the United states was the first to land a manned spacecraft on the moon. -
Revolutions of 1989
Revolutions which overthrough communist powers. Poland was the first to start the revolution then it slowly spread throught manyy other countries. This is also known as the fall of communism. -
Fall of Iron curtain
In july 1990 East Germany adopted west Germanys currency and all border patrols ceased. This brought the iron curtain down literally and symbolically. -
The U2 plain is developed
The U2 is a plain capable at flying at such a hight altitdude that it was undditectable to any radar. This was a huge advantage for the U.S. to gain intelligance about the Soviet Unions wear abouts. -
Present day communism
There are a few countries that have kept communism as there government. The few that have are China Cuba Laos North Korea Vietnam. Many of these countries have adopted differnt forms of communism. The only country that still remains true to Marxism is Cuba.