cave drawings
http://cdn.lightgalleries.net/4bd5ec17b283a/images/_cave_paintings_001-1.jpg<aIn prehistoric art, the term "cave painting" encompasses any parietal art which involves the application of colour pigments on the walls, floors or ceilings of ancient rock shelters. href='http://http://www.keebler.net/blog/wp-content/images/2009/03/battlestar-galactica-cave-paintings1.jpg' ></a> -
http://blog.paperblanks.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/iPad-typewriter.jpgThe concept of a typewriter dates back at least to 1714, when Englishman Henry Mill filed a vaguely-worded patent for "an artificial machine or method for the impressing or transcribing of letters singly or progressively one after another." -
Jan 1, 1393
http://www.saturdayeveningpost.com/wp-content/uploads/satevepost/morse-telegraph.jpgtelegraph include smoke signals and creative uses considered as the inventor of the telegraph system and he helped invent the. -
https://cdn.tutsplus.com/vector/uploads/2013/10/symbols-004.jpg<a href='http://https://cdn.tutsplus.com/vector/uploads/2013/10/symbols-004.jpg' symbols are really important in the world because if you are deaf you cant hear so you do sign launguage and if you cant read that you look at symbols -
http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/flower-grass-alphabet-938465.jpg<a href='http://http://thumbs.dreaalphabet-938465.jpg' he modern English alphabet is a Latin alphabet consisting of 26 letters uppercase or lowercase same letters that are found in the ISO basic Latin.