Noam Chomsky
He was the one who first spoke about linguistic competences, understood as the tacit knowledge that an ideal listening speaker of the rules has to generate grammatical sentences of a language. For him, the native speaker of a language possesses a natural linguistic knowledge that allows him to communicate. -
Dell Hymes
It is necessary to have another kind of knowledge besides grammatical to perform properly in the handling of the language. It is also essential to take into account, the social framework of the speaker, the environment in which the recipient is communicated to whom the message is addressed, the content of the message and yes, the different external situations that revolve around the communicative act. -
William Labov
Suggests that speakers adapt their production according to the social situation and the topic of which they speak. -
Michael Halliday
Its connotation lies in the establishment of a series of functions that entail the exchange of meanings and occurs when people simply interact. -
Canale and Swain
Understood communicative competence as a synthesis of an underlying system of knowledge and skill needed for communication. In their concept of communicative competence, knowledge refers to the (conscious or unconscious) knowledge of an individual about language and other aspects of language use. -
Henry Widdowson
Made a distinction between competence and capacity. In his definition of these two notions, he applied insights that he gained in discourse analysis and pragmatics. In this respect, he defined competence, i.e. communicative competence, in terms of the knowledge of linguistic and sociolinguistic conventions. Under capacity, which he often referred to as procedural or communicative capacity, he understood the ability to use knowledge as a means of creating meaning in a language. -
Lyle Bachman
Organizational competence is divided into grammatical competence and textual competence. • Bachman’s grammatical competence is consonant with Canale and Swain’s grammatical competence. The textual competence pertains to the knowledge of conventions for cohesion and coherence rhetorical organization. It also includes conventions for language use in conversations, involving starting, maintaining, and closing conversations. • -
Bachman and Palmer
Many traits of language users such as some general characteristics, their topical knowledge, affective schemata, and language ability influence communicative language ability. The crucial characteristic is their language ability which is comprised of two broad areas –language knowledge and strategic competence.
Language knowledge consists of two main components - organizational knowledge and pragmatic knowledge which complement each other in achieving communicatively effective language use. -
Liliana Maturana
Communicative competence can be defined as a globalizing construct encompassing skills, skills, and knowledge to be used by the user of the language