Noam Chomsky
Competence: The ideal speaker-Listener set in a completely homogeneous speech community.
Performance: applaying the underlying knowledge to the actual language use.
Transformational grammar: What we understand of the many implicit rules of language structure. (what becomes explicit) -
Dell Hymes
Performnace for Hymes means "Imperfect manifestation of underlying System"
Communicative competence acording to Hymes is a knowledge of the rules for understanding and producing both the referencial and the social meaning of language. -
Hymes & Halliday
la competencia comunicativa deviene en el uso del lenguaje en una situación y contexto determinado (Hymes) con intenciones específicas (Halliday). -
H.H. Stern & Wilga Rivers
Stern (How to apply communicative competence into teaching)
He proposes a language curriculum based on:
1. Aspects of Language Study & Practice ➜ structural / functional /sociocultural
2. Use in Authentic Context ➜ Experimental
Rivers proposes methodological distinction between Skill getting & Skill Using.
1. Skill getting: Encompasses ➜ Cognition (perception / abstraction) ➜ production or pseudo communication (articulation)
2. Skill using ➜ interaction (motivation to communicate -
W. Labov
Linguistic competence: co-varies with the speaker.
Dual competence in reception and single competence in production.
African-American Who distinguish standar English and the variant Black English in recognition, but use only Black english for production -
Henry Widdowson
"we need to teach communicative competence along with linguistic competence"
Two aspects of performance:
Usage (knowledge of linguistic rules).
Use (The ability to use that knowledge)
Two aspects of meaning:
significance (meaning of the sentences isolated from a particular situation).
value (meaning of the sentences when they are used to communicate). -
Canale & Swain
They Strongly believe that the study of grammatical competence is as essential as the study of communicative competence as is the study of sociolinguistic competence.
They argue that communicative competence minimaly includes three main competencies: grammatical, sociolinguistic and strategic competence.
Grammatical: sintax, semantics, morphology, phonology...
Sociolinguistic: use of language / discourse / contect/ interaction
Strategic Competence: "To know how" deal with communocation problems -
Bachman & Palmer
La competencia comunicativa está basada en dos grandes componentes denominados conocimiento: el conocimiento organizativo y el conocimiento pragmático.
Conocimiento Organizativo: Manera de como se organiza el discurso desde sus mínimas unidades. Frase➜Oración➜Texto.
Conocimiento Pragmático: Nuestra capacidad de interpretar y usar apropiadamente el significado social de las variedades lingüísticas. Expresiones idiomáticas / referencias culturales / dialectos. -
Mauricio Pilleux
La competencia comunicativa "Es nuestra capacidad de interpretar y usar apropiadamente el significado social de las variedades lingüísticas, desde cualquier circunstancia, en relación con las funciones y variedades de la lengua y con las suposiciones culturales en la situación de comunicación" -
Liliana Maturana
La competencia comunicativa se puede definir como “un constructo globalizante que abarca las habilidades, destrezas y conocimientos de los que ha de servirse el usuario de la lengua para interactuar efectivamente en diversos contextos sociales”