Noam Chomsky
Communicative competence is the required knowledge and skills for using language in a social context. Chomsky refers competence as the knowledge which enables speaker- listener to produce and understand an unlimited quantity of sentences. Also , he explains performance as the process of applying the underlying knowledge to the actual language use. It is a generalized and homogenized concept of language. -
Adds to the Hymes´s communicative competence definition a set of functions that language meets when people have interaction: Instrumental ( language for a goal), regulator ( controls other´s behavior), interpersonal ( expressing feelings and thoughts), heuristic( for learning and describing), imaginative (language for creating), representative ( for providing information). Communicative competence is the use of language in a situation
( Hymes) with specific intentions ( Halliday). -
Devides communicative competence into different components focused on linguistic interaction. He argues that communicative competence is the producing and undertanding sentences that are appropiate and acceptable to a particular situation. On the other hand, Hymes defines performance as the actual use of language in a concrete situation. -
Affirms that the competence co-varies with speaker and his context. It means that social life affects not only out word performance, but also inner competence itself. -
Contradicts the Chomsky´s point of view of an idealized speaker - listener situation in a homogeneous speech community, and he affirms we should be concerned with performance which is defined as the actual use of language in a concrete situation. -
Affirms that communicative competence needs to be taught with linguistic competence. -
"Savignon referred to competence as an underlying ability and to performance as an open manifestation of competence. In her opinion, competence can be observed, developed, main-
tained and evaluated only through performance". -
Suggests that communicative abilities have to be developed at the same time at the linguistic skills. -
Argues that language is how to sentences are used to communicate more than how to understand, speak, read, and write them. Communicative competence is the use of sentences appropiately to achieve communictaive purposes. -
Distinguished two aspects: " significance": the meaning that sentences have in isolation from a particular situation, and " value" : the meaning that sentences take on when they are used to communicate. -
Explained "usage" as the knowledge of linguistic aspects of language, and " use" as the ability the user language has to desmostrate his knowledge of linguistic rules for effective communication. -
Canale and Swain
They defined communicative competence in terms of three components: to know the grammar competence, sociolinguistic competence and strategic cempetence. -
The teacher should offer opportunities to live the language as a personal experience throught direct contact with the target language for acquiring the communicative competence. -
Widdowson Widdowson
he defined competent in communicative competence, in terms of the knowledge of linguistic and sociolinguistic conventions. Under capacity, which he referred to as procedural or communicative
capacity, he understood the ability to use knowledge as means of creating meaning in a language. -
Canale refers skill how an individual can use the knowledge in actual communication. -
Canale described discourse competence as mastery of rules
that determine ways in which forms and meanings are combined to achieve a meaningful unity of spoken or written texts. -
Taylor proposed to replace the concept «communicative competence» with the term «communicative proficiency, since, competence can be evaluted through performance -
"Bachman devoted special attention to the aspect of language use that is, the way how language is used for the purpose of achieving a particular communicative goal in a specific situational context of communication". -
Bachman and Palmer
They distributed the communicative competence in two big componets denominated knowledge: organizative knowledge and pragmatic knowledge. -
Mauricio Pilleux
The communicative competence is the capacity of interpretating and use properly the social meaning of linguistic varieties in terms of an effective communication. -
Liliana Maturana
Explains that communicative competence allows have the ability, and knowledge to interact in a social context.