Ability to use grammatical competence in a variety of communicative situations, -
The ability to function in a truly communicative setting having paralinguistic and linguistic information.
The competence can be observe and evaluate only through performance. -
Canale and Swain
Communicative competence like the synthesis of an underlying system of knowledge and skill needed
for communication. -
Canale and Swain
Stablished three competences to allow the communicative competence supporting in Hymes model such us: grammatical (include lexical items and rules of morphology), sociolinguistic (rules to use and apply the discourse) and strategic (highlight the verbal and non- verbal communication) those to remember meanings and no words in effective communication. -
The knowledge of linguistic and sociolinguistic conventions. He makes a difference between competence and capacity. -
Meaning of skill: how an individual can use the knowledge in actual communication making a difference it is or no a capacity. -
Added a four element for the model named "discourse competence due to.this determine ways in which forms and meanings are combined to achieve a meaningful unity of spoken or written texts. -
Proposed to replace the term «communicative competence» with the term «communicative proficiency». -
suggested using the term «communicative language ability», due tu this combines in itself the meanings of both language proficiency and communicative competence. -
Bachman and Palmer
They propose a reorganization of meanings according to two different components: organizational and pragmatic. The first one has the grammatical and textual parts in which syntax, vocabulary, phonology, and orthography are essential and the second one highlights the heuristic, imagination and how they use the language to achieve the communication.