Advantage because people could now capture memories.
Disadvantage becasue pictures could out of hand wiht social media. -
Advantage is that people could communicate with each other.
Disadvantage is that peopole would be more distracted whe they are talking to other people. -
Wirelass telegraph
Advantage because it it was portable and you could talk to people even when you are not at home.
Disadvantage because people would be more distracted and wouldn't pay attention to the environment around them. -
Silent Movies
Advantage because it was another way of entertainmet.
Disadvantage because it kept people on their seats and they would get lazier. -
First Brodcast talk
Advantage because you can communite with people and disadventage because brodcast is used to spread propaganda -
Sound Movies
Advantage is that people would enjoy movies more if they could hear them.
Disadvantage is that people don't have their mind on more important things. -
Black and White TV Brodcaasts
An advantage is that it is another form of entertainment.
A disadvantage is that people wouldn't didn't do anything else. -
Color TV, Brodcast
Advantage because people could see in color.
Disadvantage because people would be more interested to watch tv since it would now be in color.