
  • First Telegraph

    First Telegraph
    Baron Shilling von Canstatt successfully demonstrates the first telegraph in history in his room.
  • Demonstration of telephone

    Demonstration of telephone
    Alexander Bell makes the first long distance phone call between Cambridge and Boston Massachusetts, USA.
  • First Radio Audio Broadcast

    First Radio Audio Broadcast
    Reginald Fessenden used an Alexanderson alternator and rotary spark-gap transmitter to make the first radio audio broadcast, from Brant Rock, Massachusetts. Ships at sea heard a broadcast that included Fessenden playing O Holy Night on the violin and reading a passage from the Bible.
  • First Television System

    First Television System
    John Logie Baird demonstrates the world's first television system to transmit live, moving images in tone graduations, to 40 members of the Royal Institution. The 30-line images are scanned mechanically by a disk with a spiral of lenses at 12.5 images per second.
  • First Color Television

    First Color Television
    John Logie Baird demonstrates a color television system achieved by using a scanning disc with spirals of red, green and blue filters at the transmitting and receiving ends
  • First TV Commercial

    First TV Commercial
    The world's first legal TV commercial, for Bulova watches, occurs at 2:29 PM over WNBT (now WNBC) New York before a baseball game between the Brooklyn Dodgers and Philadelphia Phillies. The 10-second spot displayed a picture of a clock superimposed on a map of the United States, accompanied by the voice-over "America runs on Bulova time."
  • First E-mail

    First E-mail
    The first email is created and sent by Ray Thomlinson, a computer engineer working under ARPAnet.
  • The First Text Message

    The First Text Message
    The first SMS ever sent was by Brit Neil Papworth who texted ‘Happy Christmas’ to Vodafone director Richard Jarvis at a staff Christmas party. Papworth sent the Short Messaging Service from his work computer to an Orbitel 901 handset.