Iphone 6


  • 3500 BC - 2900 BC

    The Phoenicians develop an alphabet.
    The Sumerians develop cuneiform writing - pictographs of accounts written on clay tablets.
    The Egyptians develop hieroglyphic writing.
  • Period: to


  • Period: to


  • 1775 BC

    Greeks use a phonetic alphabet written from left to right.
  • 1400 BC

    Oldest records of writing in China on bones.
  • 1270 BC

    the first encyclopedia is witten in Syria.
  • 900 BC

    The very first postal service - for govenment use in China.
  • 776 BC

    Fisrt recorded use of homing pegions used to send messages - the winter of the Olympics Games™ to the Athiens.
  • 530 BC

    The Greeks started the very first library.
  • 500 BC - 170 BC

    Papyrus rolls in early parchments made of dried reeds - first portable and light writing surface.
  • 200 BC - 100 BC

    Human messengers on foot or horseback common in Egypt and China with messenger relay stations built.
    Sometimes fire messages used from relay station to station instead of humans.
  • 14

    Romans establish postal services.
  • 37

    Heliographs - first recorded use of mirrors to send messages by Roman Emperor Tiberius.
  • 100

    First bound books.
  • 105

    Tsai Lun of China invents paper as we know it.
  • 305

    First wooden printing presses invented in China - symbols carved on a wooden block.
  • 1049

    First movable type invented - clay - invented in China by Pi Sheng.
  • 1450

    Johannes Gutenberg invents a printing press with metal movable type.
  • 1560

    Camera Obscura invented - primitive image making.
  • 1650

    First daily newspaper - Leipzig.
  • 1710

    Englishmen, Henry Mill receives the first patent for a typewriter.
  • 1790

    Claude Chappe invents the first long-distance semaphore (visual or optical) telegraph line.
  • 1810

    Joseph Nicéphore Niépce achieves the first photographic image.
  • 1821

    Charles Wheatstone reproduces sound in a primitive sound box - the first microphone.
  • 1830

    Joseph Henry invents the first electric telegraph.
  • 1835

    Samuel Morse invents Morse code.
  • 1843

    Samuel Morse invents the first long distance electric telegraph line.
    Alexander Bain patents the first fax machine.
  • 1861

    United States starts the Pony Express for mail delivery.
    Coleman Sellers invents the Kinematoscope - a machine that flashed a series of still photographs onto a screen.
  • 1867

    American, Sholes the first successful and modern typewriter.
  • 1876

    Thomas Edison patents the mimeograph - an office copying machine.
    Alexander Graham Bell patents the electric telephone.
    Melvyl Dewey writes the Dewey Decimal System for ordering library books.