common benefit

  • Period: 428 BCE to 322 BCE

    Greek Thought

    Plato defines that global happiness should be greater than the happiness of individuals, while Aristotle further reinforced the idea, implying that it is a virtue.
  • Period: 1225 to 1274

    medieval thought

    Tomás de Aquino and Jacques Maritain, argue that politics is the common good since it depends on the temporal good and the supratemporal good of the human being. Therefore it was chosen that the common good and the staff are to integrate and complement each other
  • Period: 1453 to 1492


    A shift occurs in the field of morals, law and politics. The development of the positive sciences and the crisis of philosophy
  • Period: 1501 to

    The Spanish Renaissance

    Francisco de Vitoria, Martín de Azpilcueta, among others; Through the Christian conception, society and its history gave as a service to collaborate with God in the government of the world.
  • Period: to

    Thomas Hobbes

    It involved two consequences, the field of individual morals and in the political field; he discarded the question of the common good as the end and foundation of politics and law.
  • Period: to

    Jean Jacques Rousseau and Jacques Maritian

    Rousseau tried to solve the division between individual and society, giving the concept "General Will". J. Maritian exposed in his work "The human person and the common good", which must aim the good of the social whole and individual development.
  • Period: to

    Contemporary Thought

    In western societies modern thought inherits.
  • Period: to

    General interest

    The religious aspect of politics is removed, by which the good of all is no longer distinguished by the individual good