Jan 1, 1492
Columbus arrives in New World
May 13, 1494
Treaty of Tordesillas
the treaty that Spain maintainted claims to all of South America except Brazil -
Virginia Company Charter settles in Jamestown by the Chesapeake Bay
John Smith leadership saves Jamestown
Samuel de Champlain estb in Quebec for France
Period: to
Starving Time in Jamestown
John Rolfe discovers cash crop, tobacco
House of Burgess
the representative gov't of Virginia -
First Africans brought to Americas
Wlliam Bradford leads Pilgrims to Plymouth and Mayflower Compact
Virginia becomes a colony
Roger Williams estb Providence
Lord Baltimore proprietarship
New England Confederation unity of colonies in New England
Act of Religious Toleration
Period: to
Navigation Acts(1651,1660,1663,1673)
John Winthrope combined lands for Puritans
Half Way Covenant
Bacon's Rebellion
King Phillip's(Metacomet) War
William Penn lead Quakers
Salem Witch Trials
Great Awakening begins
Stono Rebellion
slave rebellion in NC -
Albany Congress/Plan
French and Indain War starts
Treaty of Paris ends French and Indian War
End of Solutary Neglect
Proclamation Line of 1763
cant go to land won in french indian war -
Sugar Act
Stamp Act
Quatering Act
Boston Massacre
Commitee of Correspondence
Tea Act
Boston Tea Party
Intolerable Acts/1st Continental Congress
Lexington and Concord
Battle of Bunker Hill
Olive Branch Petition
Common Sense by Thomas Paine
Declaration of Independence/2nd Continental Congress
Articles of Confederation
British surrender @ Battle of Saratoga
Treaty of Paris/American Indy.
Period: to
Postwar Depression
Land Ordinance(Congress could sell land)
Shay's Rebellion
Northwest Ordinance
Connecticut Compromise
Constitutional Convention
The Federalist Papers
Washington becomes president
Judicary Act
Period: to
2nd Great Awakening
Bill of Rights
Bank of United States
Whiskey Rebellion
Jay's Treaty
Pinckney Treaty
Election Adams v. Jefferson
John Adams becomes president
XYZ Affair
Alein and Sedition Act
Virginia and Kentucky Resolution
1800 Election Jefferson v Adams
Thomas Jefferson becomes president
Period: to
Judicary Act
Marbury v. Madison
Louisiana Purchase
Embargo Act
End of international slave trade
Non-intercourse Act excluded trade with France and Britian
BUS expire
War of 1812
Hartford Convention
Treaty of Ghent
2nd BUS
Tarrif of 1816 to protect American industries
James Monroe becomes president
Period: to
Era of Good Feeling
Darmouth v Woodward
government can't interfer with contracts -
Adam-Onis Treaty (US gets Florida)
Panic of 1819 (over speculation of land)
McCulloch v Maryland
states can't teax federal agencies -
Missouri(1820) Compromise
Cohen v Virginia
Supreme Court can overrule state -
Denmark Vessey slave rebellion
Monroe Doctrine
Gibbons v Ogden
Only Congress can regulate interstate trading -
John Quincy Adams becomes president
Andrew Jackson wins president
Period: to
Mass Politics
the increasment of voting to all white male adults -
Indian Removal Tribe
to move southern Indian tribes from south to west of the MS river -
First railroad company Baltimore Ohio railroad
Period: to
Old Immigration
Period: to
Increase in canals
Nat Turner's Rebellion
Worcester v Gerogia
Geaorgia can't interfer with Native land -
SC nullification crisis
Jackson vetoes 3rd BUS
Compromise Tarrif of 1833 by Henry Clay
Force Bill by Andrew Jackson
president could use force to get taxes -
Specie Circular
all payment must be gold and silver and leads to Panic of 1837 -
Texas Declares independence from Mexico
Panic of 1837
due to overspeculations, crop failures and Europe panics -
Horace Mann founded The Common School Journal
Period: to
Trail of Tears
Amistad captured JQA argued they should be freed
Election of 1840 Martin Van Buren vs William Henry Harrison
William Henry Harrison becomes president
30 days later William Harrison dies and John Tyler becomes president
Commonwealth v Hunt
allowed Unions -
Prigg v. Pennsylvania
North doesn't have to follow Fugitive Slave Law of 1793 -
James K. Polk becomes president
Texas annexation to US
Mexican-American War
Seneca Falls Convention
Declaration of Sentiments for women -
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
ends mexican-american war
US pays mexico 15 million dollars
California gold rush
Cotton becomes #1 cash crops
Slave Codes
Period: to
Increase in railroads
Compromise of 1850
Mexican cession states had popular sovereignty
CA is a free state
more strict fugitive slave law
slave is outlawed in DC
Texas gets paid money of debut -
New Fugitive Slave Act
Maine passes first dry law
Uncle Tom Cabin's by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Gadsen Purchase
Kansas-Nebraska Act
overturned MO compromise KS would be slave and NB free -
Bleeding Kansas
Caning of Sumner
Dred Scott v Standford
saying slaves were propeirty protected in 5th amendment and MO was deemed unconstitutional -
John Brown's raid on Harper Ferry
SC suceeded from Union
Abraham Lincoln becomes president
Firing on Ft. Sumner
First Battle of Bull Run
Battle of Shiloh
Confederacy wins -
Homestead Act
gave land to those who settled out west
land was bad -
Morril Act
grant public land to states for schools -
Battle of Antietam
truning point - Union wins
bloodiest war -
Emancipation Proclamation
NY draft riots
"rich man war, poor man fight" -
Battle of Gettysburg
Confederacy last lunge to get in the North and defeat by the Union -
Sherman captures Atlanta
Freedmen's Bureau
most effective in education for slaves
rarely 40 akers and a mule happened -
Lincoln assassinated
Lee surrenders at Appomattox
Period: to
13th amendment
Reconstruction Act
divided the South in to 5 militrazied zones controlled by Union generals -
14th Amendment
Knights of Labor
included blacks and women -
Munn v Illinois
state gov't can regulate public interstate commerce -
Rutherford B. Hayes becomes president
Compromise of 1877
Hayes beats Tilden
reconstruction end and troops tooken out
railroad through texas -
Period: to
New Immigarion
Eastern Europe -
Chinese Exclusion Act
Pendleton Act
ended spoils system ,must take a test for gov't jobs -
Pullman Strike
Skyscrapers in Chi-town
Haymarket Square bombing
only skilled workers-- led by Samuel Gompers -
Wabash Case
states can't regulate interstate commerce -
Dawes Act
Hull House
McKinely Tarrif Act
highest tarrif by far -
Sherman Anti-trust Act
break up monopolies and trust and uneffective and curved labor unions -
the promise if stuff go bad you can move out west -
Populist Party
Homestead Steel Strike
president sides with business and charge workers on strike -
Cleveland rejects Hawaii that was illegally taken
Hawaii annexed
U.S.S Maine sinks
Teller Amendment
tells Cuba that they'll have independence after they over throw Spanish -
Open Door Policy/Treaty of Paris (ends Spanish-American War)
Boxer Rebellion in China
Teddy Roosevelt becomes president after McKinnely dies
Platt Amendment
Roosevelt settle steel strike
Roosevelt Corollary
because Britian owes money to Latin America -
Upton Sinclair writes The Jungle
Pure Food and Drug Act
Gentlemen's Agreement
limiting of Japan passports to US -
NAACP formed
farmers are minority of population
Shirtwaist Fire