
Columbus Voyage to the New World

  • Jan 11, 1485

    Columbus in Portugal

    Columbus in Portugal
    Columbus presents King Johnn II of Portugal his plans to sail to India through the Atlantic ocean. He was denied funding from Portugal
  • Period: Jan 11, 1485 to Oct 12, 1492

    The Voyage Details

    These events are the details leading to the voyage from planning, funding to actuall reaching their destination which waa supposed to be India and not the new world.
  • Mar 11, 1488

    Columbus appeals and returns to Portugal

    Columbus appeals and returns to Portugal
    Columbus appealed to the court of Portugal once again but was unsuccessful. King John II turned Columbus down again because another sailer returned a great trip down the southern tip of Africa. Portugal was no longer interested in India.
  • Mar 1, 1489

    Columbus tries Spain

    Columbus tries Spain
    Columbus was granted access to present his plans to the Catholic Kings. The comitee rejected the plans.
  • Mar 11, 1492

    Columbus returns to Spain

    Columbus returns to Spain
    Columbus returned to the court after lobying for 2 years with the promise to expand the Catholic religion to wherever he sailed. the Monarchs finlly gave in and Columbus succeded.
  • Aug 3, 1492

    The Admiral of the Sea sets Sail

    The Admiral of the Sea sets Sail
    Columbus recieves the tiltle Admiral of the Sea and gets his 3 Ships. The Nina, The Pinta and the Santa Maria. He sets sail on August 3rd of 1492
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus finds land

    Columbus finds land
    After 3 brutal months at sea and the crew become desperate Columbus finally lands in what they called San Salvador in what today is Bahamas.