Oct 3, 1451
Christopher Coulumbus is born
Christopher Coulumbus was born on the 3rd of October 1451 as the son of a wool merchant -
Apr 3, 1465
coulumbus sets sail at 14
Columbus was a teenager when he first set sail -
Jan 3, 1478
Christopher the sailor
Christopher worked as a sailor. His ship was once sunk by pirate -
Feb 3, 1480
Columbus's voyages
Christopher Columbus made his first big voyages. He sailed between Portugal and Iceland. -
Feb 3, 1485
Columbus moves to Spain
After looking for financial support to sail west'Columbus moved to Spain -
Feb 3, 1491
spain backs coulumbus
In 1491'Columbus asked for financial help from the king and queen of Spain. They said yes -
Feb 5, 1492
coulumbus sets sail
Columbus set sail with three ships; the Pinta'the Nina'and the Santa Maria. Christopher sailed on the Santa Maria -
Feb 5, 1498
he comes back from a voyage
christoopher couumbus comes back fromhis 3rd voyage -
Feb 5, 1498
he goes on another trip
Feb 10, 1502
The last journey
Columbus was found not guilty for the crimes he was accused of. The king of Spain agreed to pay for one last voyage to America'but again Columbus didn't find a way to Asia or any treasure. -
Feb 10, 1506
he dies
Christopher Columbus returned to Spain where he passed away