WA and OR Fish and Wildlife Commissions agree to work together.
Washington Fish and Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commissions agreed to… develop alternative approaches to management of the sport and commercial fisheries on the Columbia River. A Workgroup was formed consisting of three commissioners from each state. Advisors included two sport and two commercial fishing stakeholders from each state and a Clatsop County Commissioner representing the four coastal counties of Pacific, Wahkiakum, Clatsop, and Columbia. -
Policy C-3620 Adopted
The Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission (Commission) utilized the November 21 Workgroup recommendations as guidance to adopt Policy C-3620. -
Period: to
Policies Term
Period: to
Policies Transitional Period
Actions will be evaluated and, as appropriate, progressively implemented in a transitional period. -
Columbia River commercial fishing interests filed with Oregon Court of Appeals. (OR.L.)
Period: to
Oregon Litigation
Court gratned the Petitioners a motion to stay enforcement of the rules. (OR.L.)
Wahkiakum County asked court to declare the Commision action invalid.(WA.L.)
Period: to
WA Litigation
Case refiled in Thurston County.(WA.L.)
Thurston County Judge dismissed the case.
Oregon Commission held a rulemaking hearing to reconsider rules it adopted in Dec. 2012 governing commercial and recreational fisheries in the Columbia River. (OR.L.)
Petitioners asked the Court to stay certain rules the Commission adopted in June, 2013. (OR.L.)
Petition was denied.(OR.L.)
Denied petition of Oct 22, 2013 was upheld on appeal.(OR.L.)
Plaintiffs filed an appeal. (WA.L.)
Incomplete Data
WA and OR Department's of Fish and Wildlife state that one years worth of data is not enough information to show any significance in fisheries of the Columbia River. -
Recreational Advisors meeting
Staff and Advisors meet to discuss outlook and options for spring Chinook season and allocation of upriver spring Chinook recreational ESA impacts and harvest above and below Bonneville Dam, and in the lower Snake River. -
Commercial Advisors meeting
Staff and Advisors meet to discuss outlook and options for spring Chinook seasons and recommendations for rules to implement pilot seine fisheries in 2014. -
Columbia River Compact
Meet to review stock status and set initial non-Indian spring Chinook recreational seasons, commercial Select Area seasons, and commercial spring season planning guidance. -
U.S. v. Oregon Quartly Policy Meeting
Parties meet to review several fishery and production related policy issues, including discussions concerning technical and policy aspects of management of 2014 fisheries. -
WA Fish and Wildlife Commission meeting
Reports presented with inconclusive data. Request approved for extension of research. -
Pilot Seine Fishery
Five- member board has been establishing and is working with Columbia River staff to develop recommendations for a pilot
seine fishery. -
Cancelled WDFW and ODFW meeting with Commercial and Recrational Advisors forecast for 2015.
New meeting date of Jan 9, 2015 to include briefing to the Fish and Wildlife Commission. -
Fish and Wildlife Commission briefing and public hearing.
Review of the Columbia River Fishery Management Policy C-3620 Briefing and Public Hearing presented by Guy Norman, Ron Roler, and Robin Ehlke.