Jan 1, 1492
Columbus Arrives in The New World
Columbus left the Spanish ports of Palos, in search for Asia, but instead discovered the American continent. He was in search for the spices and goods of Asia, but ended up crossing the Atlantic Ocean and discovering the riches of the Americas, which let to the Columbia exchange across the Atlantic between the New World (the Americas and Old World (Afro-Eurasia).
http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/columbus.htm -
Period: Jan 1, 1492 to
The Columbian Exchange
Apr 7, 1492
Cats were brought to the New World on Columbus's first voyage. They were kept on ships for mice patrol, they would often follow the mice off the ships and began flourishing in the Caribbeans.
http://ageofex.marinersmuseum.org/?type=webpage&id=46 -
Jan 1, 1493
On Columbus's second trip to the Americas he brought along cattle, they were used for meat, hides, tallow, and transportation. Once they adjusted to the environment of the new world, they could be found roaming in large herds along the grasslands.
https://sites.google.com/site/spsgmwh9ce/cattle -
Jan 1, 1493
Horses were brought with Columbus during his second trip to the Americas. They are a great use of transportation, and used for herding cattle ans sheep. The indigenous people, Native Americans utilized the European's gift. -
Jan 1, 1493
Chickens were brought along during Columbus's second trip to the Americas. Chickens were a source of food for many African slaves and they were fed maize and seeds. They later developed into stronger birds that the European ancestor.
http://ageofex.marinersmuseum.org/?type=webpage&id=46 -
Jan 1, 1500
They were first domesticated by the Incas in Peru, South America, but they were introduced to Europe during the Spanish conquest. Llamas were used for their wool for colder climates.
http://www.llamapack.com/text/history.html -
Jan 1, 1519
Turkeys came from Mexico to Europe. The turkey was transported to Europe for their meat's flavor and were in high demand that they decided to domesticate turkeys is Europe.
https://www.thespruce.com/wild-turkey-history-385522 -
Apr 7, 1540
Rabbits were brought by early Europeans as fast food sources. rabbit were great because they could multiply quickly and were a convenient size. Their population increased so much that in La Palma, California, every plant had a nibble on it.
http://ageofex.marinersmuseum.org/?type=webpage&id=46 -
Honey Bees
Honeybees were introduced to Virginia and soon after could be found in the woods of Massachusetts. Honey bees were used for their ability to extract nector form flowers and produce honey, a sweet substance that human liketo consume on desserts or in tea.