
Colton Wilson period 7

  • 180

    Pax Romana 27 BC-AD 180

    Pax Romana 27 BC-AD 180
    Pax Romama was what staned for peace in latin romama. About this time there was very littile expansion be the Roman military. Augustus was Emperor at the beging of this time. A lot of roads were made to unite the Emperor.
  • 250

    c. AD 250 The Maya Classic Period begins

    c. AD 250 The Maya Classic Period begins.
    This was strat of the Maya empirer gratetes growth. It grow to many citys. The maya population grow to 2000,000. There were leaders of agricultuer. The Maya had good bilding skills with pyramids. The maya were very religiun and hade a lot of gods.
  • 313

    AD 313 Constantine ends all persecutionof Christians

    AD 313 Constantine ends all persecutionof Christians
    Chirstians begin to be the mian religion of the Roman Empire.1313 constantine issued the edict of Milan which cotold the offciers to have all religions.
  • 320

    AD 320 The Gupta dynasty takes over India

    AD 320 The Gupta dynasty takes over India
    Ad 320 The Gupta dynasty takes over India.
    The Gupta Empire was an ancient indian empire, found by Maharaja Sri Gupta and that was around between 320 to 550 CE approximately. The Gupta period produced scholars like Vatsyayana and some other places, but they made great in academic fields. The have a very strong important region and they would set the region up as a base that would infulence nearby kingdoms and region.
  • 323

    323 BC Alexander the Geat dies

    323 BC Alexander the Geat dies
    323 BC Alexander the Geat dies.
    Alexander daeth is unknown they say he attended a dinner with a close friend.Before he died he defeated the persians, 331 BC. He returned to Baghdad after years of conqering what is a empire of Rome. Alexander was very young when he died he was only 32. He was drinking heavy is what they say but I think someone poisoned him.
  • 476

    AD 476 The Last western Roman Emperor is overthrown

    AD 476 The Last western Roman Emperor is overthrown
    AD 476 the last western Roman emperor is overthrown.
    The western Roman empire lost strength that allowed it to exercise. The Relevngth was at its greats terrilorial extent, but loss. The barbarians had established their own power on most of the area of the western empire. To the western empire never had the strenght to rise again.
  • 509

    The Roman Republic begins

    The Roman Republic begins
    509 BC The Roman Republic begins
    At one time before Rome became a Republic they had a diffirent kind of government. In the early days of the republic few of the upper class people known as patrcians, were elected offcials. They were very Organized they controlled every thing like society, politics, and religion, also this is a big one the military. They had a system in which rich Roman provided financils for the lower class Romans and in return for political backing and loyalty.
  • Jan 1, 700

    The Assyrians conquer Israel

    C. 700 BC The Assyrians conquer Isrel.
  • Jan 1, 753

    753 BC Romulus establishes the city of Rome

    753 BC Romulus establishes the city of Rome
    Rome was founed by two men named Romulus and his borther Remus. Roomer has it that the to borthers were raiseds by a she wolf as children. The men also started a safehouse do to all the theft and bad stuff in rome before it as a empier.
  • 221 BC Shi Huangdi becomes Emperor of China

    221 BC Shi huanqdi becomes Emperor of China.
    Qin Shi Huang real name was Ying Zheng he was the king of the state of Qin. He conqered all other warring states. He was the first Emperor to unit China. He also started a autocratic grovnment. He Also connected all the walls around China to make the grate wall of China.