The goods provided were beaver fur hats and food from the beaver meat. The impact on Colorado's economy is that a lot of people came to Colorado. Tpappers came to Colorado because of all of the beavers. They needed trappers and traps and beavers. -
The services proived were lots of shows because of all of the good skiers and snowboardes. The impact on Colorado is that there is more money from all of the toursim. The reason for coming to Colorado is that there is good snow and rivers. The resources needed are water, snow, skies, mountains, skiers, and snowdoarders. -
The goods provided were gold and things that could be made with gold. The impact was all of the people that would come to Colorado and Colorado got a lot of tourists. The reason peoplecame to Colorado is because of all of the minirals that were found in the Colorado mountains. The resources needed were picks, sholves, and other thins to dig out gold. They also had miners. -
The goods provided were beverages. The impact on Colorado is that Colorado has more money and more jobs. The reason for coming to Colorado that the person who started the the company lived in Colorado. The resousces needed were water, wheat, lemon, and big machines. -
The goods provided were wool and 250 milion gallons of milk were pruduced each year. The impact on Colorado is that there were more jobs for people. The reason for coming to Colorado is that there was lots of space for all of the cattle. The recourses needed were water, grass,and people to work with the cattle. -
The goods provided were food like pears,plums,peaches, cherries, corn, hay, grains, wheat, and other food. The impact on Colorado is that a lot of people came to Colorado. People came to Colorado because of the good soil. The recourses needed were water, tractors, boxes, and farmers and other people to plant . -
Denver Mint
The good provided were coins. The impact on Colorado is that there were more jobs proived. The reason people came to Colorado is becauset was just started here. The resources needed were gold, silver, machines to make coins, trees, and, people. -
The goods provided were computers and other technology systems. The impact on Colorado is that Colorado has more money. Tech componies came to Colorado because the person who started the compony was born in Colorado. the reseurses needed were all the things in the Computers. -
Denver Broncos
The goods provided were jobs for good football players and also jobs for coaches. The impact on Colorado is that Colorado is a better state.The Denver Broncos came to Colorado because most of the other states already had football teams. The recources needed were leather to make footballs, water and, players. -
Mining Today
The goods provided are coal, gold, gypsum, limestone, marble, molybdenum, and silver. The impact on Colorado isthat there arte more jobs for people. The reason for coming to Colorado is that ther is lots of things to mine in Colorado. The resourses needed are picks, sholves, and miners