Apr 5, 1492
The color of black represents death, evil, and depression which has high value. That was the time when she dead and turning to a vampre. -
The color of white represents pure, cleanliness, and virginity. Her clothes showed pure white to enclose with her charater orientation. -
The using of color schemes is monochromatic. Stefan became a vampire that time so the clothes changeed into darker. -
The color using of the background and the costume is analogous. -
There are two people who are wearing the costums in complenmentary. The opposite hue of brown on the color wheel is blue. The character decreasing the percentage of black points and highlighting the personality of character. -
The color schemes of this picture is analogous which uses three hues that are next to each other. She was playing golf with others, that color should be warm and peace -
The color of this picture is black and white. The color of her face has less value and more saturation while the background has higher value than her face. This is emphazise the character's emotion. -
in here, the color of the costume is analogous. The opposite color of yellow on the color wheel is blue. -
The two people are wearing analogous costumes. The first meeting of Stefan and Katherine. At that time, their costumes are old and formal, the color of their clothes is quite bright. -
The color scheme that been used here is monochromatic which uses one specific hue, but different saturations. And also this picture is explose a little,the light contrast more. -
This is her 2nd time as a human in the present. She wearing a black tshirt to give audience a sense of mystrys, highlighting the character. -
This is the picture of she's dying, we could see her hair is turning white and many wrinkles showen in her face. Black points shown up in this pic.