Jan 1, 1524
New york
Giovanni de Verrazano sees manhattan from afar and became th frist person to discover manhhattan giovani de verrazano -
Period: Jan 1, 1524 to
New York
Feb 4, 1524
New york
1524-1625- The king of England forbidid Henery Hudson to return to Neverland -
New York
Henrey Hudson ship sailed lower bay of new york ship Half Moon -
New York
Dutch East India company lands on manhattan -
New York
The trade began between Indians and dutch -
New York
Franted character to the Dutch West Indian company -
New York
First settelers to arrive to Manhattan -
New York
Dutch settelments began by the Dutch West Indian company -
New York
English king charless II presented a gift which Included new netherland , to his brother Duke of New York -
New York
The latter finally sued for peace -
New York
War between England and holland -
New York
English captured colony from Dutch and it became N.Y -
New York
Peace between english and dutch -
New York
Dutch goverment sent ship (troops) to N.Y and regained control -
New York
England, France returned new orange to English. -
New York
N.Y was officialy granted reperesentative style of goverment -
New York
James owned a property of goverment -
New York
Nearly 100 mPeople called N.Y HOme capital of albany became hubs in growing independence of the america colonys