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Colonization of Egypt

By mshuva
  • Period: to

    Construction of Suez Canal

    The British government, in an attempt to please British investors, declared the construction of the Suez Canal. In 1869, the Canal is completed. The Suez Canal's main purpose is to ease trade between Britain and the jewel of the British Empire, India. Most of the income coming from this trade went to Britain, with very little going to the Egyptians.
  • Occupation of Cyprus

    British troops invade and occupy Cyprus. This strategic move marks the beginning of British intervention. At this time, nationalists tendencies began to come out of Egypt, causing British investors to fear for their profits and the Suez Canal. The British government sends troops to Cyprus to make sure this does not get out of hand.
  • Nationalist Interests Crushed

    From the strategic position in Cyprus, British troops move into Egypt as Wafdists take power. The Wafdists pose a great threat to British interests in Egypt because they are opposed to a colonial regime. After some concessions and compromises, the Egypt is set up as a british protectorate. The Wafdists are not happy.
  • End of the Protectorate

    Four years after World War I, the British government ends the protectorate state, giving the Egyptian people a lot of autonomy. However, British investors maintain on Egypt's financial assets and the Suez Canal which upsets some of the nationalists.
  • Anlo-Egyptian Treay

    Following the abolition of the protectorate, Britain officially makes the Anglo-Egyptian Treaty which designates even more freedom to the Egyptian people. However, despite this formal agreement to hand over all authority to the Egyptians, Britain continues to hold on to the Suez Canal.
  • Weak Britain

    Following World War II, Britain, like other European countries, is weak and has to loosen its grip on its colonies. The weakened state of Britain paves the way for the complete independence of Egypt.
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    Era of Nasser

    Two years after World War II, Gamal Nasser becomes the first elected president of Egypt. First thing on his agenda: nationalize the Suez Canal. He is met with outrage coming from Britain, who conspires with France and Israel for an invasion. However, the USA and USSR step in and prevent an invasion of Egypt.
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    Six Day War

    Gamal Nasser begins to threaten the State of Israel, claiming that the state is illegitimate and will be destroyed by Egypt. Israel, catching Nasser's bluff, invades Egypt in 1967. Within six days, the Israeli defense forces have complete control of the Sinai up to the Suez Canal.
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    Yom Kippur War

    Egypt, along with Syria, lead a surprise invasion into Israel as retaliation for the losses that occurred during the Six Day War. Within three days, Egypt successfully crossed the Suez and finally resulted in a stalemate. During this time, the USA and USSR supplied their respective allies with weapons. Both the Six Day War and Yom Kippur War mark the beginning of Egypt on the international playing field.
  • Arab Spring

    On January 25, 2011, the streets of Egypt broke out with protestors demanding a regime change. The almost 30 year dictatorial rule of President Hosni Mubarak was being challenged by the entire nation, following a similar revolt in Tunisia. The protests mark a new beginning for Egypt.