Colonization and Independence in Africa

By Jrowl17
  • 1400

    European Rule

    Africans beyond the Sahara begin trading with Europeans
  • Period: Jan 1, 1400 to

    Africa Colonization

  • 1500

    African Slave trade

    They traded people for guns
  • 1500

    Trading posts

    They built trading posts on American soil
  • Colonization

    Large regions of central Africa were colonized. Southern and Eastern Africa were also colonized.
  • Slave Trade

    The slave trade was mostly outlawed.
  • European Powers

    They began colonizing Africa.
  • Impact of Colonization

    European nations had divided Africa into colonies.
  • `South Africa

    Gained their independence
  • Kikuyu

    People started political organization.
  • African Independence

    African indépendance gained momentum.
  • Independence

    Most of Africa gained independence
  • Rebellion

    The rebelión caused wars until 2005
  • Ghona

    They became independent.
  • Independence

    The Belgian congo gained independence.
  • Kenya

    Gained their independence.
  • Army Leader

    Army leader Joseph Mobutu seized power and changed the country's name to Zaire.
  • Black farmers

    Thousands of mostly black farmers were killed in the early 2000's
  • Civil wars

    Up to 2005 civil wars killed several million people
  • South Sudan

    South Sudan became independent
  • Tunisian

    Tunisia's dictator resigned in January.
  • Libya

    Qaddafi was killed in October
  • Egypt

    Arab Springs protests, forced president Hosni Mubarak to resign.
  • Constitution

    The king of Morocco issued a new constitution in 2011
  • President

    Mohammad Morsi was elected as president
  • Islam President

    Muhammad Morsi was sent to prison by the military.