Colonization and Independence in Africa

  • 1400

    Europe started long sea voyages

  • 1400

    Africans beyond Sahara began trading with Europe

  • 1500

    Africans began selling enslaved people for guns and European goods

  • 1500

    Europeans built trading posts on the African coast

  • Southern and Eastern Africa began colonizing

  • Slave trade was outlawed but European interference continued

  • Europeans powers began actively colonizing Africa

  • Europe transformed and took control of Africa

  • European nations had divided most of Africa in colonies

  • South Africa independence

  • South Africa gained independence form Britain

  • Kikuyu people started a political organization

  • Ethiopia was invaded by Italy

  • African independance gained momentum

  • Adoption of apartheid

  • Most Africa gained independence

  • Sudan Independence

  • Ghana became independent

  • Nigeria became independent

  • Belgium granted independence to Belgian Conogo

  • ANC leader jailed

  • Kenya gained independence

  • Joseph Mobutu seized power and changed country's name to Zaire

  • oil rich region controlled by Igbo

  • F.W de Klerk, South Africa president

  • Mandela released from prison

  • South Africa president term ended

  • South Africans of all races voted

  • 800,000 to 1 million tutsis killed

  • Black farmers were killed

  • Civil wars raged

  • Arab Spring

  • South Sudan became independent

  • Tunisian dictator resigned

  • New constitution

  • Qaddafi was killed

  • President Hosni Mubarak was forced to resign

  • Egyptians elected an Islamist president

  • Military imprisoned Morsi