Industrial Revolution Started
I is when the industrial revolution started people started to mve to the cities because the yhad no jobs because they used machines. -
cities became cramped
the cities became cramped so people had to find a place to stay and there was a lot of people in the jails so people went out to find new land to stay because it was cramped. -
war of independence
America had a war with britin and briten lost so they had to find new land for them sending the prisoners. -
Captine Cook found australia
two years after captin cook found australia and he saw some of the aboriginals and then he left and the aboriginals thought that was the last of seeing thoses people. -
they found new land
the britsh found new land and they called it Australia and the started a new colony in australia and all the convicts were taken over to australia to be slaves and to put new jail sels in and they went there. -
they found other people on australia
when captin phillip came they fount out there were other people on the island and he captured some aboriginals and they used them to talk and comunicate with them Govener phillip new about these people. -
Bennelong Capture
Bennelong got captured in 1788 and there was one other person that got captured with him but he ecscaped and Bennelong stayed but after time he took off his clothes and he ran away and phillip left hi to go. -
Free setlers
Free setlers came in 1790 and when they came they had there own land to do what ever they want and they were givin a convict slave so they could make them do stuff.