
  • European Mariners

    European Mariners
    The first records European mariners sailed into into Australia around 1606. The European Mariner was a shipping company. It was like a fery. It does'nt hold many passengers.
  • Captain Cook

    Captain Cook
    In 1770 James Cook sailed the Austraian coast in his ship, The HM Barque Endeavour Captain Cook claimed Australia and that's how we are here.
  • First Fleet

    First Fleet
    Captain Arthur Phillip went to Botany bay between 18-20 january at 1788. They moved to Port Jackson on 26 January 1788 They landed in camp Cove. The people who were affected by this were the Aboriginals because the Captain Arthur Philip and his crew were taking over the land, so the Aboriginals didn't think it was fair. This occured because thier was no room for the convicts so they had to sail to Botany Bay but they could not stay their so the went to Port Jackson and they landed in Camp cove.
  • Second Fleet

    Second Fleet
    The second fleets arrival in 1790, many people badly needed food and supplies and the convicts were too ill, with many near death. The second Fleet was known as the death fleet, and 278 of the convicts and crew died on the voyage to Australia compared to the first fleet only 48 people died.
  • Australias formation as a federation

    Australias formation as a federation
    Australia became an independent nation on the 1 January 1901.
  • Australia's Involvement in WW1

    Australia's Involvement in WW1
    When Britain declared war with Germany on 4th Of July August 1914, Most Austrailians rushed to Voulenteer for the war. Most Australians were very enthusiastic to voulenteer for the war. They rushed to enlist for an exciting war experience which would've gone through christmas
  • The First Crew

    The First Crew
    The first crew to meet the aboriginals was the Duyfken and the captain was Willem Janszoon.