Colonie Times

By Ivy W
  • Queen Elizabeth and Roanoke

    Queen Elizabeth and Roanoke
    Queen Elizabeth let Raleigh send over 100 men to Roanke Island.Off the coast of north Carolina.
  • Period: to


  • The fort

    The fort
    They found men that were killed in the fort by the natives they don't know why or how they just found them.
  • John White discovery

    John White discovery
    In that year White discovered a great one he went back to Roanoke Island and everyone was gone like they disappeared. He found Croatoan on a tree.
  • 100 Men

    100 Men
    A group of 100 men landed on the banks of virginia river, The river was not healthy but some men drank it and died.
  • The break up

    The break up
    After an injury and Pocahontas stopped visiting the english and a the village of powhatan were torn. She tried to come back together but it was to late.
  • The encouragement.

    The encouragement.
    Pocahontas tried to encourage again but did not work she was sad she tried they just keep fighting and sneak attacking each other and kidnapping nothing she could do to fix it.
  • The big year

    The big year
    That year was a big year in Jamestown, The first elected assembly was established, And everyone was excited and ready for it.
  • Mayflower and Plymouth Rock

    Mayflower and Plymouth Rock
    In the year 1620 the mayflower boat took sail and landed on plymouth rock, They left England for religious freedom the England people and rulers said they had to stay in the england church and do england religious things.
  • Thanksgiving.

    In this year 1621 Governor Bradford held a celebration in feast for thanks for help from the natives, The natives brought most of the food and still till this day it is still called thanksgiving.
  • Pennsylvania

    Charles ll decided to give William Penn land in the new world, That land was south west of New Jersey, The land he had was called Pennsylvania