Colonialism in the Middle East

By Csorgs
  • Napoleon lands in Egypt

    The first time European presence is felt in the Middle East; the ease with which Napoleon took over demonstrated the weakness of the Ottoman Empire.
  • The General Treaty of Peace

    Establishes British dominance over the Persian Gulf.
  • French rule is established in Algeria

    'total colonalisation' - incorporation of Algerian territory into France.
  • Opening of the Suez Canal

  • Congress of Berlin

    French negotiate control over Tunisia in exchange for British control over Cyprus; cemented dependency of Ottoman Empire on Europe.
  • Establishment of French Protectorate of Tunisia

    French ruling through local proxies and extracting resources.
  • Establishment of British rule in Egypt

    After the Battle of Tel el-Kebir.
  • Establishment of the French Protectorate of Morocco

  • Establishment of Italian colony in Libya

  • Hussein-McMahon Correspondence

    Lasted until 30 January 1916
  • Sykes-Picot Agreement

  • Balfour Declaration

  • Anglo-French Declaration

  • King-Cran Commission

  • Egyptian Revolution

    Lasted until 22 February 1922.
  • Treaty of Sevres

  • Establishment of Transjordan

  • Establishment of British Mandate of Mesopotamia

  • Churchill White Papers

  • Treaty of Lausanne

  • Establishment of British Mandate of Palestine

  • Establishment of French Mandate of Syria and Lebanon

  • Establishment of Republic of Turkey

  • Arab Revolt in Palestine

    Lasted until 30 September 1939
  • The Peel Commission

    Lasted until 18 January 1937
  • The 1939 [MacDonald] White Paper