Period: to
Cochin China
- aka Vietnam
- the start of the French annexation of the south
- started in 1862; completed in 1867
- administrated by the French colonial service
Vietnam Divided
- France divides Vietnam into three regions
- Tonkin
- Annam
- Cochin China (started in 1862)
"Save the King" Movement
- attempt by elites to use the throne to rally French opposition
- was suppressed
- French added the protectorates of Cambodia - under control since 1860s
- formed Indochinese Union
Ho Chi Minh
- birth date of Ho Chi Minh
- revolutionist and leader of North Vietname
- gained independence by fighting Japan, France, and US
Schools Forming
- helped founded by Phan Chu Trinh
- founded a school in Hanoi
- modeled after the once established by Fukuzawa
Cao Dai
- last emperor; begin reign as infant
- founded by an official in the French service
- "high platform"
Japanese Invasion
- The Japanese army landed in Cochin China (Vietnam)
Provisional Gov.
- provisional government formed
- formed by Viet Minh
- wanted independence
Begin of Conflict
- Free French group landed in southern Indochina
- in response to successful coup by Ho Chi Minh