Colonial Unrest

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    Colonial Unrest

  • Treaty of Paris 1763

    A document signifying the British's defeat of the French in the French and Indian War.
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    Pontiac's Rebellion

    A war that occured between the British and the Native American tribes living in the Great Lakes region, Illinois Country and Ohio Country.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    A document that forbade all settlement after the Appalachian Mountains
  • Sugar Act

    A tax Britian put on the Colonists' sugar and molasses.
  • The Stamp Act

    An act on which every piece of printed paper used in the colonies was taxed.
  • Quartering Act

    An act that provided soliders with housing
  • Declaratory Act

    An act which repealed the Stamp Act and lessened the Sugar Act.
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    Townshend Acts

    The purpose of these acts was to raise salaries of government workers so they would remain loyal to Great Britain. The six laws included in the act were the the Revenue Act of 1767, the Indemnity Act, the Commissioners of Customs Act, the Vice Admiralty Court Act, and the New York Restraining Act
  • Tea Act

    the final straw in a series of taxes imposed by Britain on the colonies.
  • Boston Tea Party

    The Sons of Liberty tried to protest The Tea Act by dumping 4 million dollars worth of tea into the Boston Harbor.
  • Intolerable Acts

    The British response to the Boston Tea Party. It shut down Boston Harbor until the tea was paid for, and took away Massachusetts right to self-govern.
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    The First Continental Congress

    Representatives from 12 out of 13 colonies get together to discuss the taxes Britian is putting on the colonies.