colonial times

  • Period: to

    colonial times

  • The Great Awakening

    The Great Awakening
    The Great Awakeining was a spirtual renewal that spread across the colinies, particularly New England. the significance was the way it prepared America for its War of Independence.
  • Stamp Act passed

    Stamp Act passed
    The Stamp Act was the Parliament that stoped britin from putting stamps on alot of goods. after the stamp act was passed the british where in debt
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre was the killing of five colonists by British regulars on March 5, 1770. it was the release of anger that was growing in the colines ever since the british came to the colinies.
  • Tea act passed

    Tea act passed
    the tea actwas designed to prop up the East India Company which was floundering financially and burdened with eighteen million pounds of unsold tea.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea party was when a couple of americans went on to a cargo ship with head dresses on and dumped all of the tea on that ship in to the boston harbor. it was a protest against taxes
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    it was one of the most important american wins. it gave a great amount of pep for the americans and help them win the revolutionary war. This battle made both sides realize that this was not going to be a matter decided on by one quick and decisive battle.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    the Declaration of Independence was the document stateing that america had freedom. it also marked the british boundries from america. it was wriiten byThomas Jefferson
  • saratoga

    5,895 British and Hessian troops surrendered their arms.
  • Battle of The Cowpens (final battle)

    Battle of The Cowpens (final battle)
    the battle of the cowpens is known as the turning pint in the war. this is the battle that made the britsh surrender
  • land ordinance of 1785

    land ordinance of 1785
    Law passed by Congress that allowed for sales of land in the Northwest Territory and set up standards for land sale that became precedents. Among them was the idea of selling mile-square sections of land
  • northwest ordinance of 1787

    northwest ordinance of 1787
    Considered to be one of the most significant achievements of the Congress of the Confederation, the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 put the world on notice not only that the land north of the Ohio River and east of the Mississippi would be settled but that it would eventually become part of the United States. Until then this area had been temporarily forbidden to development.
  • ratifacation of the constitution

    ratifacation of the constitution
    The Continental Congress received the proposed Constitution on September 20. It then voted to send the document to the state legislatures for ratification.