Colonial Times

  • Period: to

    Colonial Times

  • Henry Hudson

    Henry Hudson
    In 1609 crossed the Atlantic Ocean and reached New York where he named the Hudson River after him.
  • New Netherland

    New Netherland
    Dutch traders arrived in the Hudson River Valley and began trading with Natuve Americans
  • House of Burgesses

    House of Burgesses
    First legistature in British North America. Established in Jamestown,Virginia.
  • Amstedam

    People settled at the mouth of the Hudson River. They called this place Amsterdam.
  • Carolinas

    King Charles II granted a charter for an area south of Virgina. It would be called Carolinas.
  • New Jersey

    New Jersey
    Established when southern New York split.
  • Signing of English Bill of Rights

    Signing of English Bill of Rights
    King James , and Queen Mary sign the English Bill of Rights, A list of freedoms that a goverment promises to protect.
  • Spanish Florida

    Spanish Florida
    The Spanish granted protection and freedom to freed slaves. They did this to weaen Englisg colonies.
  • Colonial Self-Go

    Colonial Self-Go
    Forced William Penn to agree that only the General Assembly could make laws.
  • Freedom of the Press

    Freedom of the Press
    The right for journalist to publish the truth about something, or someone with out restrictions or penalties.
  • Declaration Of Independence

    Declaration Of Independence
    Declartaion of Independence is issued.
  • Signing of the Declaration of Independence

    Signing of the Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration is signed. By congress, Thomas Jerfferson, Ben Franklin, and John Hancock all took part of this signing process.
  • Crossing the Delaware

    Crossing the Delaware
    Washington led a surprise attack across the Delaware river,and attacked Trenton from two sides. This led to one of Americas first victories.
  • Washington's Farewell

    Washington's Farewell
    Washington and his soliders met for one last meal. Washington wished to retire to his plantation.
  • Impact of the Revolution

    Impact of the Revolution
    French citizens rebelled.