Period: to
Colonial Times
Henry Hudson
In 1609 crossed the Atlantic Ocean and reached New York where he named the Hudson River after him. -
New Netherland
Dutch traders arrived in the Hudson River Valley and began trading with Natuve Americans -
House of Burgesses
First legistature in British North America. Established in Jamestown,Virginia. -
People settled at the mouth of the Hudson River. They called this place Amsterdam. -
King Charles II granted a charter for an area south of Virgina. It would be called Carolinas. -
New Jersey
Established when southern New York split. -
Signing of English Bill of Rights
King James , and Queen Mary sign the English Bill of Rights, A list of freedoms that a goverment promises to protect. -
Spanish Florida
The Spanish granted protection and freedom to freed slaves. They did this to weaen Englisg colonies. -
Colonial Self-Go
Forced William Penn to agree that only the General Assembly could make laws. -
Freedom of the Press
The right for journalist to publish the truth about something, or someone with out restrictions or penalties. -
Declaration Of Independence
Declartaion of Independence is issued. -
Signing of the Declaration of Independence
The Declaration is signed. By congress, Thomas Jerfferson, Ben Franklin, and John Hancock all took part of this signing process. -
Crossing the Delaware
Washington led a surprise attack across the Delaware river,and attacked Trenton from two sides. This led to one of Americas first victories. -
Washington's Farewell
Washington and his soliders met for one last meal. Washington wished to retire to his plantation. -
Impact of the Revolution
French citizens rebelled.