Jan 1, 1563
Colonial Settlement
This was when we first began to settle into the US from Europe. At this time, there was much tension with the natives. We were also starting to develop new colonies in hopes of improving the country, although some, such as the Georgia colony, didn't do as well as others. -
Jan 1, 1564
Colony Near Jacksonville, Florida
French Protestants built a colony near what is now Jacksonville, Florida. This was the very first colony in America and was owned by Spain. It was first conquered sometime in 1564 -
Miguel de Cervantes's Don Quixote de la Mancha, the first modern novel
Start of first expedition to colonize Virginia
This was not the first attempt by Europeans to settle in Virginia. However, it was the first successful attempt. -
Early Relations with Native Americans
In this time, Native Americans were treated with disrespect, and were lied to. Powhatan tried to be hospitable and kind to the Colonists at first, but the colonists ended up relying on them too much for food. He was disappointed when the colonitsts didn't return the hospitality, so the Indians attacked the colonists, and they fought back, as well. -
The Starving Time
William Simmons felt that Powhatan took advantage of the colonists as Smith went back to England. Their new leader was so sick, he was unable to do anything, Powhatan cut off all trade with the colonists and cut off their boats, causing only 60 colonists to remain alive. -
Galileo Galilei sees the moons of Jupiter through his telescope.
King James Version of the Bible is published
Pocahontas is Taken Prisoner
Colonial and Indian relations were improved after the kidnapping of Pocahontas, for she got married after. After Powhatan gave the colonials what they wanted, including corn, and friendship, they refused to give Pocahontas back. Obviously, Powhatan was very upset on the fact that he wasn't given his favorite daughter back, and did not communicate with the colonists for a long time. -
William Shakespere Dies
The Taj Mahal is built
End of Ming Dynasty in China
Oliver Cromwell dies
Isaac Newton's experiments with gravity
Great Plague in London kills 75,00
Period: to
Establishing the Georgia Colony
The Georgia Colony was the last of all of the original 13 colonies to join the United States, which was an idea created by James Oglethorpe. He presnted his reasoning for starting this new colony to the king in 1733, which was accepted. Georgia thrived until 1741 when they discovered that Georgia was not as resourceful as they once thought since the farmingland was not suitable, though not everyone left the colony. -
Funding and charter from the King
Twenty trustees gained liberties from the king. They were allowed to elect their own governing body and buy or sell land. -
Period: to
Georgia's first year went well
Settlers began clearing land to make room for houses and fortifications -
Discovery that the Georigia colony isn't thriving
In this year, settlers began to realiaze that settling in Georgia nmay have been a mistake. The soil was infertile and could not maintain a family. They were also running out of materials to provide for the colony -
Colonial Settlement Importance
The Colonial Settlement was important because without it, America may not have been created. If the Colonials did not keep trying to colonize North America, the land may have become occupied by another country. Because of this, the colonzation was very complex.