Sep 8, 1492
Spanish Colonization
Columbus encountered the New World for the first time. -
Feb 8, 1520
Coronado's expiditon from Mexico to Kansas
Well know and capable 27 year old led 240 mounted soldiers, 60 foot soldiers, and 800 indians slaves, and hundreds of head of cattle and horses northward -
Jun 9, 1534
Jacque Cartier Sailed the St. Lawrence
The king had orderd Jacque to find some Gold, pices, and a water passge from France to Asia -
Sep 8, 1538
Hernando de Soto's expedition of the Southeast
It lasted 5 years from 1538-1543 -
Sep 8, 1550
Jaun de Onate founded Santa Fe
Sep 8, 1565
Spanish established St. Augustine, Florida
Pedro menéndez de Avilés landed on the shore of what is now called Matanzas Bay and began the founding of the presidio of San Agustin. -
Attempted Roanoke Colony
Samuel de Champlain founded Quebec
Jamestown, Virgnia founded
French began fur trade with Indians
John Rolfe introduced tobacco to Virginia
He had enough to be able to ship back to england -
First African Slaves arrived in Virginia
20 and odd amount arrived -
Plymouth, Massachsetts founded
Beaver Wars
Started in 1640 and ended in 1701 its also called the french and iroquois wars -
South Caronlina colony founded
Marquette and joliet sailed down the Mississippi
The Pueblo Revolt
:Pueblos" rebelled against their Spanish overlords in the American Southwest. Spaniards had dominated them, their lives, their land, and their souls for eight decades. -
Pennsylvania Colony founded
Georgia Colony founded