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Colonial History
Jamestown was the first permanent settlement by the English Colony. It was founded by the Virginia Company when King James I granted the London entrepreneurs a charter. The leadership of Captain John Smith kept the colony alive. However, when he left in 1609, the colony barely survived the "starving time". The original 214 settlers was widdled down to 60. John Rolfe saved the colony with the introduction of tobacco. -
Virginia House of Burgesses
The Virginia House of Burgessesfirst convened in the Jamestown church. It was the first representative assembly in the Americas. The first order of business was to set a standard minimum price for tobacco sale. The general assembly met "to establish one equal and uniform government over all Virginia." It hoped to provide just laws. It consisted of a governor appointed by the Virginia Co., six important members appointed by him, and fifteen other members were elected by the colony. -
Mayflower Compact
The Mayflower Compactwas signed aboard the Mayflower by the 41 adult males traveling to the New World. It has been called the first American Constitution by some because it attempted to temporarily create a government that would allow the colonists to govern themselves. It was first created in response to talk of mutiny about where they were supposed to settle. The original settlement was supposed to be in Northern VA, but after arrival to North America they chose the New England area. -
Rhode Island
Roger Williams founded Rhode Island at Providence. He had been banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony for his belief of seperation of church and state. He believed in freedom of religion. Because Anne Hutchinson spoke out against the church in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, she was also banished. She created Portsmouth. Rhode Island was the first colony to guarantee freedom of worship to all citizens. Rhode Island's industry included livestock, dairy, fishing, and lumbering. -
Harvard University
Harvard, a private Ivy League university, is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States. Harvard was established by vote of the Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. It was named after John Harvard of Charlestown because he was the college's first benefactor. When he died he left his library and half of his estate to the institution. -
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
The Fundamental Orders of Connecticutbecame the basic law of the Connecticut Colony from 1639-1662. It consisted of a preamble and 11 orders or laws. Thomas Hooker, John Haynes, and Roger Ludlow were important figures in creating this document. The orders were recorded by the colony's secratary Thomas Welles. It gave men more voting rights and allowed them to run for office positions. Many have called it the first written constitution in the Western tradition that created a government -
Maryland Act of Toleration
Also known as the Act Concerning Religion, the Maryland Toleration Act was the second law requiring religious tolerance in the North American colonies while creating legal limitations on hate speech. It allowed feedom of worship for all Christians, yet it sentenced death to anyone who denied the divinity of Jesus. It was repealed permanently in 1692. This act influenced the writing of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. -
Bacon's Rebellion
Virginia planters were struggling with low tobacco prices while the House of Burgesses and Gov. William Berkely were not willing to help. When claims that Indians were murdering and stealing from those on the fronteir, the governor refused to react because he made a good profit off of Indian trade. Bacon recieved public support to attack these Indians. Bacon was elected to the House of Burgesses. However, his forces dissolved when he died, and Berkely punished many of Bacon's rebels. -
Zenger Trial
John Peter Zenger was sued by Governor William Cosby for printing an article in the New York Weekly Journal. This lowely printer was sued for publishing seditious libels that would disrupt peace in the New York Colony. Zenger was defended by Philadelphia attorney Andrew Hamilton who argued public statements could not be slanderous if they were true. Zenger was cleared and the decision would lay down the foundation for freedom of the press. -
French and Indian War
Also known as the Seven Years' War that involved most of Europe including England and France. In America the fight was for territories. Many colonists were eager to fight for the empire, battles were fought in upper America against french in Canada. They were also fighting against Indians who were tired of being pushed out of their homes and territories by the British. Tide changed in favor of England in 1756 and the war officially ended in 1763.