
Colonial History

  • 1563


    Carolina was founded in 1563. The name, "Carolina", came from the French.
  • Roanoke

    Many refer to Roanoke as, "The Lost Colony". Roanoke was one of the first colonies run by a man named John White. John White took a three year journey to England and when he returned to Roanoke it no longer existed and everyone had disappeared.
  • Jamestown

    Jamestown was the first English settlement in North America. The3 main cash crop here was Tobacco.
  • Salutary Neglect

    17th and 18th century British Crown policy of avoiding enforcement of laws not keep American Colonies obedient to England.
  • House of Burgesses

    House of Burgesses
    The House of Burgesses was the first assembly of representatives
    in North America. The House was created by the Virginia Company in order to settle things in the colonies.
  • The Great Migration

    The Great Migration
    The Great Migration was a Puritain movement to the United States to get away from the rule for the Church of England.
  • Mayflower/Plymouth/Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower/Plymouth/Mayflower Compact
    The Mayflower set sail for Plymouth in 1620. The voyage was 2 months long with 102 passengers. The compact promised to have just and equal laws.
  • New York

    New York
    The Lenape people were the first native New Yorkers. Not until the 16th century did Europeans begin to settle in New York.
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony

    Massachusetts Bay Colony
    Original English settlement in Massachusetts. Obtained a charter from King Charles in 1629 which led to trade in New England.
  • Maryland

    King Charles granted a charter to George Calvert in 1632. The land was named Maryland in honor of the queen.
  • Connecticut

    The first settlers of Connecticut came in 1633 and settled in Windsor. More Puritan settlers came in 1636 led by Thomas Hooker.
  • Rhode Island

    Rhode Island
    Rhode Island was founded by Roger Williams in 1636. Rhode Island was as the forefront of the Industrial Revolution.
  • Maryland Toleration Act

    Maryland Toleration Act
    A law mandating religious tolerance for Trinitarian Christians. It was passed by the Maryland Colony.
  • Bacon's rebellion

    Bacon's rebellion
    This rebellion was led by Nathan Bacon and the Virginia settlers against their Governor, William Berkeley. This led to dissent in the colony.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    The Salem Witch Trials were all because of mass hysteria. False accusation of witchcraft were being made to many innocent people who lost their lives. Source- My Knowledge
  • Great Awakening/ Enlightenment

    Great Awakening/ Enlightenment
    The Great Awakening was an outburst of Protestant Revivalism in the eighteenth century.
  • Albany Plan

    Albany Plan
    The Albany Plan was made to place the British North American colonies under a more centralized government.
  • French-Indian War

    French-Indian War
    This war was declared in 1756 by the British and lasted from 1756-1763. It was started because of France's expansion.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    A British Proclamation issued at the end of the French and Indian War.
  • Pennsylvania

    Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn as a haven for Quakers.