Colonial Events Timeline

  • 1565

    First permeant Spanish establishment

    First permeant Spanish establishment
    The first permeant Spanish establishment was in 1565
  • Roanoke Disappears

    Roanoke Disappears
    Raleigh sent 100 people to go to America to start a colony under john White's control, a few years later john while went back to England to grab more resources but when he came back nobody was there.
  • Jamestown Settlement Established in 1607

    Jamestown Settlement Established in 1607
    Jamestown was established in 1607 and was the first permanent English settlement in the US
  • Pocahontas Marries John Rolfe

    Pocahontas Marries John Rolfe
    Pocahontas Marries John Rolfe in 1614 in order to gain more power in farming
  • The House Of Burgesses

    The House Of Burgesses
    The House of Burgesses was founded in 1619 as a way of creating laws to maintain order in Jamestown and its nearby settlements
  • The Plymouth Colony

    The Plymouth Colony
    The Plymouth Colony was founded in 1620 by a group of pilgrims, soon after they landed they created the Mayflower compact as a set of laws to follow, and on November 1621 they had the first-ever thanksgiving.
  • Thanksgiving

    The Thanksgiving feast was held on November 1621 in order to honor the first corn harvest
  • The New Jersey Colony

    The New Jersey Colony
    The new jersey colony was a colony known as the breadbasket because they produced a lot of bread and iron which were valuable back then.
  • Pennsylvania Colony

    Pennsylvania Colony
    Willam Penn established the Pennsylvania colony in 1681 because he was kicked out of England for practicing the quaker religion, so he went to Pennsylvania after arriving in Pennsylvania he made his own set of laws, and soon after was the Bread Basket colony because he mainly produced iron and wheat-like how bread is made you need iron true and he also had made a good relationship with the natives which turned to be a smart choice, in the end, he was a very successful person
  • North Carolina Colony Founded

    North Carolina Colony Founded
    In 1585 Walter Raleigh got permission from Queen Elizabeth to send 100 men over to establish a settlement in Roanoke Island, after to of his explorers found it he hired Simon Fernandes, the people were not friendly to the natives and even killed their chief, in 1587 John white was put in charge and brought his family along to live in roanoke island, but a few years later, John white left to get resources from England but when he came back, all the men were gone.