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Major Colonial Events In America

  • John White Finds the Colony of Roanoke Gone Without a Trace

    John White Finds the Colony of Roanoke Gone Without a Trace
    After being delayed for 3 years, John White finally comes back to Roanoke with supplies, but is shocked when the colony and people are gone without a trace, except for the word CROATOAN carved onto a nearby tree.
  • Jamestown is Founded

    Jamestown is Founded
    Jamestown is the first permanent English settlement that is still around today.
  • The House of Burgesses is Formed

    The House of Burgesses is Formed
    The House of Burgesses heavily inspired our modern government.
  • Plymouth is Founded

    Plymouth is Founded
    Plymouth was the first permanent Puritan settlement in America. The Pilgrims left England in search of religious freedom, and that's why Plymouth was founded.
  • The First Thanksgiving is Celebrated

    The First Thanksgiving is Celebrated
    The Native People showed the settlers how to grow food, and to celebrate their friendship, they had a big feast after harvest time and called it Thanksgiving.
  • The First African Slaves Arrive in Jamestown

    The First African Slaves Arrive in Jamestown
    Slaves were important for America because they didn't have enough people to grow enough crops, so they bought some slaves.
  • The Puritans Found Boston

    The Puritans Found Boston
    It was founded because of Puritans fleeing religious persecution and was named Boston because most of the settlers were from the Boston in England.
  • The Quakers Arrive in New England

    The Quakers Arrive in New England
    The Quakers were not accepted in England so they went to America, but none of the current colonies accepted them, William Penn (A Quaker) would go on to found Pennsylvania.
  • William Penn Founded Pennsylvania

    William Penn Founded Pennsylvania
    William Penn founded Pennsylvania because the King gave him the land because of debt he owed to his father, and because he was a Quaker, and wanted to form a colony that accepted his religion and all religions.
  • The Salem Witch Trials Start

    The Salem Witch Trials Start
    The Salem Witch Trials were a time in history where many innocent people, (mostly women) were executed because of suspicion that they practiced witchcraft and worshipped Satan.