Colonial Era Timeline

  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus encountered the New World for the first time

    Columbus left Spain for India and made it to the new world.
  • Jun 9, 1535

    Jacque Cartier sailed the St. Lawrence

    He and his men found the Gulf of Mexico
  • Period: Sep 10, 1538 to Sep 10, 1543

    Hernando de Soto’s expedition of the Southeast

    He left Spain to explore the Spanish territory of Florida.
  • Period: Sep 10, 1540 to Sep 10, 1542

    Coronado's expedition from Mexico to Kansas

    Coronado made an expedoition from Mexico to Kansas. He did it in hope of finding the Seven Cities of Gold
  • Sep 8, 1565

    Spanish establish St. Augustine, Florida

    The spanish found St. Augustine Florida and they settled there
  • Attempted Roanoke Colony

    Roanoke tribe fought aagianst the English to keey their tribe from being colonisd
  • Juan de Onate founded Santa Fe

    He found New Mexico and settled there.
  • Samuel de Champlain founded Quebec

    He found the city of Quebec.
  • Jamestown, Virginia founded

    Jamestown was found and made a colony that the people lived in.
  • French began fur trade with Indians

    The French traded fur with Indians.
  • Period: to

    John Rolfe introduced tobacco to Virginia

    He is famous from bringing tobacco to Jamestown.
  • First African slaves arrived in Virginia

    The first African slave in Virginia to work for a white person
  • Plymouth, Massachusetts founded

    Massachusetts was found
  • South Carolina colony founded

    South Carlina colony was found and people from England.
  • Period: to

    Marquette and Joliet sailed down the Mississippi

    They sailed down the Mississippi River and found new land that they thought they could use.
  • Period: to

    Beaver Wars

    All kinds of different tribes of Indians fought in wars.
  • The Pueblo Revolt

    The Pueblo Tribe Revolted against Spain.
  • Pennsylvania Colony founded

    Pennesylvannia colony was found and made for the people of England to live in.
  • Georgia Colony founded

    Gorgia Colony was found and it made the 13th colony that was found