Colonial era house 1

Colonial Era

  • Founding of Jamestown

    Founding of Jamestown
  • Begininnings of Slavery

    Begininnings of Slavery
    The first African Americans arrived in Virginia in 1619 aboard a Dutch Slave Ship. As labor shortages grew, the number of imported slaves grew. By 1650 there were 400 African laborers.
  • Royal Colonies

    Royal Colonies, such as Virginia after 1624, were to be under the direct authority and rule of the King's government
  • Maryland

    King Charles I subdivided the vast area that had been the Virginia colony. He granted control to George Calvert, known as Lord Baltimore, as a reward to his service to the crown. The new colony, Maryland, was the first of several proprietary colonies.
  • Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

    Colony of Hartford was founded in 1636
    The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut (1639) established a representative government consisting of a legislature elected by a popular vote and a governor chosen by that legistlature.
    In 1665 New Haven joined with Hartford settlers to create CT.
  • 1640's New England Confederation

    Military alliance created because many colonies were constantly threatened by attacks of the Native Americans, the Dutch, and the French.
  • Founding of Rhode Island

    Founding of Rhode Island
    Roger Williams founded Providence in 1636
    Anne Hutchinson founded Portsmouth in 1638
    Roger Williams was granted a charter from the English Parliament in 1644 which joined Providence and Portsmouth into a single colony, RI.
  • Act of Toleration

    Granted religious freedom to all Christians. Also called for the death of anyone who denied the divinity of Jesus.
  • Economic Problems

    Low tobacco prices due to overproduction
    When Virginia's House of Burgesses attempted to raise tobacco prices , the merchants of London retaliated by raising their own prices on goods exported to Virignia.
  • 1660's Halfway Covenant

  • 1660's Restoration Colonies start to form thru 1701

    South and North Carolina
    New York
    New Jersey
  • End of the Navigation Acts (1650-1673)

    Mercantalist Policy:
    1. Trade to and from the colonies could be carried only by the English or colonial built ships, which could only be operated by English or colonial crews.
    2. All goods imported into the colonies, except for some perishables could pass only thru English Ports.
    3. Specified "enumerated" goods from the colonies could be exported to England only. Tobacco was the first, but the list of enumberated goods would expand to almost all colonial goods.
  • King Philip's War Begins

  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion
    Bacon raised an army of volunteers in 1676. He conducted a series of raaids and massacres against Indian villages on the Virginia frontier.
  • King Philip's War Ends

    Thousands on both sides were killed, and dozens of towns and villages were burned.
  • NH Seperation from the Bay Colony

    NH was originally part of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
    Hoping to increase royal control over the colonies, King Charles II separated New Hampshire from the Bay colony in 1679 and made it a royal colony, subject to the authority of an appointed governor.
  • Massachusetts Bay Charter Revoked

    The British government revoked the Bay colony because it had been the center of the smuggling activity.
  • Glorious Revolution

    The Glorious Revoution of 1688 succeeded in deposing James and replacing him with two new sovereigns, William and Mary. James' fall from power brought the Dominion of New England to and end. Massachusetts Bay, New York, and the other colonies again operated under seperate charters.
  • Delaware is split from Pennsylvania

    Yet Delaware's governor was the same as Pennsylvania's until the American Revolution
  • Last Colony: Georgia

    Created because 1) Britian wanted to create a defensive buffer to protect against the prosperous South Carolina plantations from a threat of invasion from Spanish Florida. 2) Thousands of people in London and other cities were being impoverished for debt. They would be sent to Georgia to start life over. Georgia would be the smallest and poorest of the 13 colonies.
  • Institution of Slavery Expands

    By 1750, half of Virginia's population was slaves, and two-thirds of South Carolina's was slaves.