Colonial America Timeline.

By NinoB
  • Roanoke

    Roanoke was known for the lost colony. When 115 English settlers founded Roanoke. John White was the Mayor of the Colony. He requested resources and manpower. A storm has approached them. The city was destroyed. The Crew here came back. They had to join another colony. But the Mystery is that The Mayor had left because maybe he knew something the people didnt.
  • Great Puritan MIgration

    Great Puritan MIgration
    The England puritans were migrating to New England and were seeking more profitable fields. All prices took a sharp turn. Since in the new land they had a competition ( Spain, Portugal.) So they sent out 3 ships in 1606. King James 1 sent out a ship to have a colony. The colony had found Tobacco and used it for trade. The Virginia company had taken the colony.
  • Connecticut

    While the Dutch were claimed to land. The English puritans have settled from Plymouth and Massachusetts bay from which they purchased from the Natives.The Windsor and Wethersfield and Hartford had United to form a river colony which became known to be Connecticut.
  • Bacons Rebellion

    Bacons Rebellion
    Governor Sir William Beckley was an English civil veteran was seventy when the crisis began. A frontier Indian fighter. Who the King Favored him and in the 1640s. He was a well respected man. The antagonist Nathaniel Bacon Jr. Was actually his cousin by marriage. Bacon was a troublemaker. His father sent him to Virginia to hope he would be mature. Bacons rebellion led to the dissent to Virginia colony such as Tobacco trading, Companys...
  • New York

    New York
    The British were tracts for the largest land in the new world. Before that time most colonies have been finanaced of joint stock colonies. After the restoration Charles the second had used proprietaries. used for penting up territorial expansion as well to pay for political and economic depts for New York for the throne.
  • Salem witch trials

    Salem witch trials
    19 convicts were hanged "witches" and many other suspects to be imprisoned in Salem village Massachusetts bay. They first began in Europe 1300s and ened in the late 18th century
  • Albany plan

    Albany plan
    The Albany plan provided a loose confederation presided over a president general and having a limited authority to let taxes be paid to a central treasury. Although the plan was approved by delegates. Neither the crown ( jealousy of its authority) nor any of the colonies assemblies (unwilling to sacrifice sovereignty) approved it and the war was conducted by the old system.
  • House of Burgesses

    House of Burgesses
    The house of Burgesses has passed a law for British taxes. The Virginia royal government has fired back by properly removing the house of Burgesses.